[BTS] Deploy Command】的更多相关文章

BizTalkDeploymentTools.AddResource.bat @Echo OFF SET ApplicationName=%~1 SET ComponentType=%~2 SET ComponentName=%~3 Echo. Echo. Echo ################################################################## Echo. Echo. Deploying the fllowing Assembly... Ec…
Prerequisites Install Docker. Get Docker Compose as described in Part 3 prerequisites. Get Docker Machine as described in Part 4 prerequisites. Read the orientation in Part 1. Learn how to create containers in Part 2. Make sure you have published the…
Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll be using that shared image here. Be sure your image works as a deployed container. Run this command, slotting in your info for username, repo, and tag…
Master Note on WebLogic Server Scripting Tool (WLST) Usage, Sample Scripts and Known Issues Deploying an Application using Production Redeployment Strategy with WebLogic Scripting Tool Using WLST These notes address how to set up, start up, configure…
Making Docker and Deployment Process Step: set up your docker environment build a image of activeMQ with Dockerfile build a image of swieApp with Dockerfile delploy your project with docker-compose.yml 一.Set up your docker environment Install Docker…
我们可以选择使用spark-shell,spark-submit或者编写代码的方式运行Spark.在产品环境下,利用spark-submit将jar提交到spark,是较为常见的做法.但是在开发期间,每次都需要编译jar去做提交是一件麻烦事儿.尤其是在IDE例如IntelliJ Idea下,更直接的方式还是在main()方法中直接通过SparkContext运行.例如: object DataFrameApp {  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { …
Prerequisites Install Docker version 1.13 or higher. Get Docker Compose as described in Part 3 prerequisites.(ymal) Get Docker Machine as described in Part 4 prerequisites.(swarm) Read the orientation in Part 1. Learn how to create containers in Part…
Prerequisites Install Docker version 1.13 or higher. Get Docker Compose as described in Part 3 prerequisites.(.yaml) Get Docker Machine, which is pre-installed with Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows, but on Linux systems you need to install it di…
Prerequisites Install Docker version 1.13 or higher. Get Docker Compose. On Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows it’s pre-installed, so you’re good-to-go. On Linux systems you need to install it directly. On pre Windows 10 systems without Hyper-V, u…
Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll use that shared image here. Be sure your image works as a deployed container. Run this command, slotting in your info for username, repo, and tag: doc…