What came before In my previous post I discussed ways of making the settings table using Generics to have typed access to our properties. This required us to still pass in the name of our property as a string to a method. User user = db.Users.First()…
Update: Updated article here. Today I wanted to be able to have a table store any type of value as a way to store some settings for an application. The table needed to be able to store basically a name/value pair. I designed the object using a code-f…
hive 2.1 一 问题 最近有一个场景,要向一个表的多个分区写数据,为了缩短执行时间,采用并发的方式,多个sql同时执行,分别写不同的分区,同时开启动态分区: set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true insert overwrite table test_table partition(dt) select * from test_table_another where dt = 1; 结果发现只有1个sql运行,其他sql都会卡住:查看hive thrif…
需求说明 给定一个 DataTable,如果从中取出数值类型列的值并对其累加? 限制:不知该列是何种数值类型. 解决方案 1.将表转换为 IEnumerable<dynamic>,而后获取指定的列的值并对其累加: 2.如果该值类型为 DBNull,则视作 0: 3.使用 double,确保最小程度丢失精度. 关键方法 AsDynamicEnumerable 该方法出自 http://codego.net/368045/ ,关键方法为: public static class DynamicTa…
转自:http://www.sqlusa.com/bestpractices/training/scripts/dynamicsql/ Dynamic SQL & Stored Procedure Usage in T-SQL Important security article related to dynamic SQL: How To: Protect From SQL Injection in ASP.NET ------------ -- Dynamic SQL QUICK SYNTA…
DataTable转List<dynamic> 最近做的一个项目,MVC+Ado.net.没有ORM很不习惯.找到一个办法,DataTable转List<dynamic>,这样代码就比较好看一点,主要是为了配合 Razor好用点.本来想自己写一个,结果发现网上已经有人写好了.直接拿来用吧.来源:http://www.oschina.net/code/snippet_1011399_54272 有过滤字段,和反转过滤字段. public class DYController : Co…
Views are a useful feature of SQL databases, letting us create virtual tables based on SQL select statements. PeopleSoft 8 provides the functionality to create dynamic views. These are essentially SQL statements executed on the fly by the PeopleSoft…
Working with the Dynamic Type in C# https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/dotnet/c-programming/working-with-the-dynamic-type-in-c/?utm_source=simpletalkdotnet&utm_medium=pubemail&utm_content=20181127-slota1&utm_term=simpletalkmain by Camilo Rey…
啥是 Dynamic Type 动态字体,即视力不好的用户,调整了默认字体的大小,开发者应该根据这个设置,动态改变界面的字体等,保证用户能看得清楚. 这个还是蛮重要的,视力不好的人越来越多. 用户在哪里调整  打开了开关之后,底部明显调整更大了.  开发者怎么知道用户设置了多大的字体 通过监听一个通知即可 NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIContentSizeCategoryDidCh…
In This Document Section 1: Overview Section 2: Pre-Upgrade Steps Section 3: Upgrade and Configuration Section 4: Post-installation Steps Section 5: Known Issues Section 6: Appendices This document covers the procedure to upgrade the version of the J…