转自http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19843784/google-play-services-library-update-and-missing-symbol-integer-google-play-serv accepted Please note that this fix may only apply to IntelliJ users!! (More information at the bottom of this post that shou…
好消息,特大好消息! 英文原文:Google API library for .NET paves the way for Google services on Windows phone 本月 17 日,谷歌云平台团队正式发布了 Google APIs Client Library for .NET,托管于 NuGet,开发者可快速在 Windows Store 应用或 Windows Phone 应用中整合 Google 服务. Google APIs Client Library for…
今天在添加友盟统计的podfile pod install报错了: bogon:Children songximing$ pod install /Library/Ruby/Gems//gems/cocoapods-/lib/cocoapods/command.rb::in `git_version': Failed to extract git version from `git --version` ("xcrun: error: invalid active developer path…
原文地址 xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun BY KAVIT · OCTOBER 1, 2015 Have you upgraded to OS X El Capitan from App Store? Have you suddenly started getting the following error in your proj…
因为这两天在做将springboot 项目使用的数据库MySQL转换为Oracle数据库,所以在网上查找相关资料后开始使用 Convert-Mysql-to-Oracle4.0做转换: 但是在连接oracle数据库时候始终报错:Cannot load ocl.dll library(error code 126). The ocil.dll library may be missing from the system: 按照网上的多种办法均未解决,即使上个报错解决,又出现ORA-1…
最近在给unity工程尝试接入google play services插件,遇到了些问题,记录一下. 之前在做android插件的时候,都是自己创建一个android工程,把生成的.class文件打包成jar包,然后把libs文件,AndroidManifest.xml文件一齐都放到Assets/Plungins/Android目录下.在Unity里运行build就可以得到apk文件.而最开始遇到google play services时,突然不知道该怎么做了.最开始尝试把google play…
Given an array of integers, find the first missing positive integer in linear time and constant space. In other words, find the lowest positive integer that does not exist in the array. The array can contain duplicates and negative numbers as well. F…
Google this week released the November 2018 set of security patches for its Android platform, which address tens of Critical and High severity vulnerabilities in the operating system. The addressed issues include remote code execution bugs, elevation…
Data Binding Library 用数据绑定编写声名性布局,可以最大限度的减少findViewById(),setOnClickListener()之类的代码.并且比起findViewById(),所有view是一次性初始化完成,性能更快. Data Binding Library具有灵活性和不错的兼容性,支持2.1以后的版本. 需要 Android Plugin for Gradle 1.5.0-alpha1或以上版本. 至于怎么升级? https://developer.androi…
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/wszawsz33/article/details/51669719 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载. 目录(?)[-] Getting Started Pre-requisites Getting the Code Android Building the Library and Unittests Windows Building with clangcl OSX iOS Android Building with GN B…
转自:https://developers.google.com/wallet/instant-buy/android/tutorial This tutorial guides you through integrating Instant Buy into a purchase flow, in the context of an example bike store. The tutorial provides details and complete source code to hel…
What is Cartographer? Google announce the open source release of Cartographer, a real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) library in 2D and 3D with ROS support, in October 2016. As Robotics Trends said, "Google wants to democratize the…
How to install 64-bit Google Chrome 28+ on 64-bit RHEL/CentOS 6 or 7 The problem Google developers seem to think that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - aka RHEL 6 - and its free equivalents (e.g. CentOS 6 and Scientific Linux 6) are no longer worth suppor…
官方文档:https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/start?hl=zh-CN 先谷歌后百度.使用google的api基本上按照官网来就好了,开发过程中遇到各种各样的问题,其实仔细看官方文 都能找到解决方法的.这篇文主要是让自己回顾总结一下. Google Map API v2 相对v1变化了不少,千万别拿着v1的攻略做v2. step1 准备工作: 1,需要安装两个东西,Google Play services SDK…
How the production environment at Google fits together for networking, monitoring and finishing with a sample service architecture at Google. I am a Site Reliability Engineer at Google, annotating the SRE book in a series of posts. The opinions state…