Today I complete Socket Programming Assignment 1 Web Server Here is the code: #!/usr/bin/python2.7 # Program: Web Server # Date: 2016-03-19 # Author: brant-ruan # P.S. from socket import * serverPort = 12000 # Prepare a server socket serverSocket = s…
BUG触发时的完整报错内容(本地无关路径用已经用 **** 隐去): **************\lib\site-packages\bs4\builder\ UserWarning: unknown status keyword 'end ' in marked section warnings.warn(msg) Traceback (most recent call last): File "**************/",…
目录 Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet 1. What is the Internet? 2. The Network Edge 3. The Network Core 4. Delay,Loss,and Throughput in Packet-Switched Networks Chapter 2 : Application Layer 应用层 1.进程间交流(p88) 2.安全的传输层协议(p94) 3.Web Caching(p1…
Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet Introduction to Deep Learning with Python How to implement a neural network How to build and run your first deep learning network Neur…
一 python语言注释 就是对代码的解释, 方便大家阅读代码用的 1.1 注释的分类 (1)单行注释 # print 在python2.x print "1" # print 在python3.x print("1") (2) 多行注释 : ''' ''' """ """ ''' print("abc") print("abcd") print("abcd…
Python中对于对象的赋值都是引用,而不是拷贝对象(Assignment statements in Python do not copy objects, they create bindings between a target and an object.).对于可变对象来说,当一个改变的时候,另外一个不用改变,因为是同时的,也就是说是保持同步的. 此时不想让他们同步的话可以使用copy模块,copy.copy()浅拷贝,copy.deepcopy()深拷贝. 前者是对整个对象的拷贝,对…
Python GUI with Tkinter - 1 - Introduction以上链接是一个python tkinter视频系列的第一讲的链接.虽然英语不好,但是,程序还是看得懂的(照着做就可以了),所以找不到中文视频时看下这些英语视频也是可以的. 以下是我在看视频过程中的练习, 可以在python2.7下运行. 001: hello,world: from Tkinter import Label, Tk root = Tk() thelabel = Label(root, text="…
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegantsyntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature… 关于怎么学习python,并将python用于数据科学.数据分析.机器学习中的一篇非常好的文章 Comprehensive learning path – Data Science in Python 深度学习路径-用python进行数据学习 Journey from a Pythonnoob(新手) to a Kaggler on Python So, you want to bec…
这是本人在学习python过程中总结的一些关于字符串的常用的方法. 文中引用了python3.5版本内置的帮助文档,大致进行翻译,并添加了几个小实验. isalnum S.isalnum() -> bool #字符串里所有的字符都是字母或者数字时返回True,否则返回False Return True if all characters in S are alphanumeric and there is at least one character in S, False otherwise.…