Markov logic network】的更多相关文章

A Markov logic network (or MLN) is a probabilistic logic which applies the ideas of a Markov network to first-order logic, enabling uncertain inference. Markov logic networks generalize first-order logic, in the sense that, in a certain limit, alluns…
原文链接: 有少量修改!如有疑问,请访问原作者. 一:信息检索领域: 信息检索和网络数据领域(WWW, SIGIR, CIKM, WSDM, ACL, EMNLP等)的论文中常用的模型和技术总结(为什么概率是可靠的,概率隐藏了大部分事实,而给予我们可以看得见的部分.) 引子:对于这个领域的博士生来说,看懂论文是入行了解大家在做什么的研究基础,通常我们会去看一本书.看一本书固然是好,但是有一个…
fault simulation是指对fault circuit的simulation,来locate manufacturing defects并且进行fault diagnosis. logic simulation针对logic circuit model的simulation,主要有compiled-code和event-driven两种techniques. Logic simulation针对design verification的: 一般design verificaiton起始于…
awesome-nlp  A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing Maintainers - Keon Kim, Martin Park Please read the contribution guidelines before contributing. Please feel free to pull requests, or email Martin Park (…
Problems[show] Classification Clustering Regression Anomaly detection Association rules Reinforcement learning Structured prediction Feature engineering Feature learning Online learning Semi-supervised learning Unsupervised learning Learning to rank…
We consider two types of inference: finding the most likely state of the world consistent with some evidence computing arbitrary conditional probabilities. We then discuss two approaches to making inference more tractable on large , relational proble…
牛人主页(主页有很多论文代码) Serge Belongie at UC San Diego Antonio Torralba at MIT Alexei Ffros at CMU Ce Liu at Microsoft Research New England Vittorio Ferrari at Univ.of Edinburgh Kristen Grauman at UT Austin Devi Parikh at  TTI-Chicago (Marr Prize at ICCV2011…
这里罗列一些看完此书后遗留的问题: 常用 model 通过 BP/LBP 重新审视 inference 部分 Lauritzen algorithm/Lauritzen-Spiegelhalter algorithm turbo codec 与 LBP Gaussian processes 与 Gaussian MRF,上面的 EP BDe prior Dirichlet process Markov logic nets 上的 structure learning 与 training/inf…
LuaFramework_UGUI_V2 using UnityEngine; using LuaInterface; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace LuaFramework { public class LuaBehavi…
1. 前言: 本文主要参考Alchemy Tutorial, washington主页上挂出的所有Alchemy项目(包括Alchemy1.0, Alchemy2.0, AlchemyLite)都无法在Ubuntu15.04中安装使用:这篇博文使用的Alchemy是PhDP大神在Github上的Alchemy2.0; 关于其他Alchemy Project, 可以参考washington主页上的Code, 也可以参考wiki中External links; 博主选择Alchemy2.0是因为pe…