Manual testing is a logical approach and automation testing complements it. So both are mandatory and required to ensure the quality. To test and prepare for the testing and automation interviews, enough material is provided here. 300+ testing and au…
101+ Manual and Automation Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers…
We are sharing 25 java interview questions , these questions are frequently asked by the recruiters.Java questions can be asked from any core java topic . So we try our best to provide you the java interview questions and answers for experienced whic…
原文 Node.js Interview Questions for 2017 什么是error-first callback? 如何避免无止境的callback? 什么是Promises? 用什么工具来保证代码的一致性风格? 为什么保持一致性风格很重要? When should you npm and when yarn? 什么是stub? 举个例子! 什么是test pyramid? 举个例子! 你喜欢哪个HTTP框架,为什么? 如何保护你的HTTP cookies 不遭受XSS攻击? 如何…
In this tutorial we will discuss about different types of questions that can be used in a Java interview, in order for the employer to test your skills in Java and object-oriented programming in general. In the following sections we will discuss abou…
This is a summary of some of the most important questions concerning the Spring Framework, that you may be asked to answer in an interview or in an interview test procedure! There is no need to worry for your next interview test, because Java Code Ge…
本文转自: What is a Visual Business Object? The role of a VBO is to act as an adapter to the user interface of a specific application. To accomplish this,each VBO has three main parts: A connec… WCF Interview Questions – Part 3 This WCF tutorial is part-3 in series of WCF Interview Questions and Answers. Other parts in this series are as follows: 这是WCF问答系列教程中的第三部分,其他部分在下面: WCF Servic…
Interview Questions All In One web fullstack System Design Operating System Object-Oriented Design OOP Design Patterns Computer Network Data Structure Algorithm Code Styles Code Review whiteboard coding demos Node.js Interview Questions and Answers f…
Verilog Interiew Quetions Collection :  What is the difference between $display and $monitor and $write and $strobe? What is the difference between code-compiled simulator and normal simulator? What is the difference between wire and reg? What is the…
Bridge Pattern, Composite Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade Pattern, COR Pattern, Proxy Pattern, template Pattern, MVC. Updated with the explanation of Composite pattern, Decorator Pattern and Template Pattern. Design Pattern Interview Question - Pa…
David Posin helps you land that next programming position by understanding important JavaScript fundamentals. JavaScript is a fun, powerful, and important language with a low barrier of entry. People from all kinds of backgrounds and careers find the…
LeetCode Top Interview Questions # No. Title Acceptance Difficulty 1 1 Two Sum 38.80% Easy 2 2 Add Two Numbers 29.10% Medium 3 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 25.00% Medium 4 4… WCF Interview Questions – Part 2 This WCF tutorial is part-2 in series of WCF Interview Questions. Other parts in this series can be found here. 这是WCF问答系列教程中的第二部分,其他部分可以在下面的链接中找到: WCF Service…
WCF Interview Questions – Part 4   This WCF service tutorial is part-4 in series of WCF Interview Questions. Before reading this please go through the following articles in this series. 这是WCF问答教程的第四部分,在阅读之前请先去看下面列出来的文章. WCF Service Interview Question…
Interpeter , Iterator , Mediator , Memento and Observer design patterns. (I) what is Interpreter pattern? (B) Can you explain iterator pattern? (A) Can you explain mediator pattern? (I) Can you explain memento pattern? (B) Can you explain observer pa…
State, Stratergy, Visitor Adapter and fly weight design pattern from interview perspective. (I) Can you explain state pattern? (I) Can you explain strategy pattern? (A) Can you explain visitor pattern? (A) What the difference between visitor and stra…
Factory, Abstract factory, prototype pattern (B) What are design patterns? (A) Can you explain factory pattern? (I) Can you explain abstract factory pattern? (I)Can you explain builder pattern? (I) Can you explain prototype pattern? (A) Can you expla…
Functional testing  - python selenium django - Source Code : from selenium import webdriverfrom import By from django.test import LiveServerTestCase class Browser():  #(Run more than one testcases on one browser) browser…
Front-end Job Interview Questions 前端面试…
安卓面试题 Android interview questions 作者:韩梦飞沙 ‎2017‎年‎7‎月‎3‎日,‏‎14:52:44 1.      要做一个尽可能流畅的ListView,你平时在工作中如何进行优化的?  ①Item布局,层级越少越好,使用hierarchyview工具查看优化.  ②复用convertView  ③使用ViewHolder  ④item中有图片时,异步加载  ⑤快速滑动时,不加载图片  ⑥item中有图片时,应对图片进行适当压缩  ⑦实现数据的分页加载 2.…
A while back, I posted a list of ASP.NET Interview Questions. Conventional wisdom was split, with about half the folks saying I was nuts and that it was a list of trivia. The others said basically "Ya, those are good. I'd probably have to look a few… Popular HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap Interview Questions June 14, 2013 by Lokesh Gupta In my previous post related to “How HashMap works in jav…
referce:python interview questions top 50 refercence:python interview questions top 15 summary Q: what is python? A: Python is an interpreted language. Python does not need to be compiled before it is run. Other interpreted languages include PHP and…
Programming Interview Questions Websites All In One 编程面试刷题网站 CareerCup Cracking the Coding Interview 750 pages book 6th Cracki…
from: Since HTML <canvas> become more and more popular for creating interactive content on any web page like games (especially since Adobe Flash technology is dying), the…
This is a list of questions I have gathered from other sources and created myself over a period of time from my experience, many of which I felt where incomplete or simply wrong.  I have finally taken the time to go through each question and correct…
Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore. I tested myself and recorded it. General Questions HTML Questions CSS Questions J…
Company MassMutual Date 30/09/15 Location Boston, MA Position Application Developer It's not a coding interview. The interviewer only asked me questions about my resume and some techniques. There are two points to note here. 1. What are wait() and no…
1. What do you see yourself doing five years from now? 2. What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort? 3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to this company? 4. In what kind of a work environment are you most comfortable?…