As I mentioned last week, OpenCV 3.0 is finally here! And if you’ve been paying attention to my Twitter stream, you may have noticed a bunch of tweets regarding install…
为了防止原文消失或者被墙,转载留个底,最好还是去看原贴,因为随着版本变化,原贴是有人维护升级的 Last week we kicked-off the opencv 3.0 install fest by detailing how to install OpenCV 3.0 and Python 2.7+ on the OSX…
1. Install Visual studio 2013 community version which is free to use for personal usage. 2. Setup the debugger follow the instruction in On windows can go to link…转注:就用第一个方法吧,第二个方法的那个sh文件执行失败,因为我价格kurento.org的源,在安装第一个时,用到了这个源几个包. Install opencv on Ubuntu or Debian is a bit long but very easy. You can install OpenCV from the Ubuntu or Debian repository or from…
OpenCV 3.3 Aug 3, 2017 OpenCV 3.3 has been released with greatly improved Deep Learning module and lots of optimizations. Adrian Rosebrock: [nice] Ref: Real-time object detection with deep learning and Open…
qrcode 4.0.4 : Python Package Index qrcode 4.0.4 Download qrcode-4.0.4.tar.gz QR Code image generator This module uses image libraries, Python Imaging Library (PIL) by default, to generate QR Codes. It is recommended to use the pillow fork rather tha…
bottle-session 0.2 : Python Package Index bottle-session 0.2 Download bottle-session-0.2.tar.gz Redis based sessions for bottle. Latest Version: 0.3 Bottle Sessions with Redis ========================== Bottle_session is a session manager for the Bot…
最近重新安装win10 64位专业版, 正好遇到python3.8发布,试了一下.结果jupyter都安装不了...心碎. ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command output. 查看网上资料,大多数都说升级两个包就可以了,一个是pip,一个是setuptools,升级方式如下: python -m pip install --u…
After OpenCV 3.0, CvMat cannot be directly converted to cv::Mat, we need to use function cvarrToMat() to do it. Please see the code below: CvMat *cm; cv::Mat m; // Before OpenCV 3.0 m = cm; m = cv::Mat(cm); // After OpenCV 3.0 m = cv::cvarrToMat(cm);…