当我们执行cobbler check时,出现这种错误:httpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler, or SELinux is in the way. 具体情况: ttpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler, or SELinux is in the way. Original traceback:Traceback (most recent call las…
2013-07-25    一.安装和修改cobbler配置 1. Cobbler不在CentOS的基本源中,需要导入EPEL源升级软件包, 确保epel-release包的版本为最新,当前最新版本为6-8: # rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 2. yum安装cobbler包 # yum -y install cobbler 3. [可选]新版的Fe…
http://@@http_server@@/cblr/links/CentOS-6.4-x86_64 cobbler cblr/svc 四.配置文件 cobbler有许多的配置文件,但是只有少部分基本功能需要修改. Settings File Modules Configuration Cobbler最主要的 setting file就是/etc/cobbler/settings.Cobbler2.4.0开始引入动态修改模式(Dynamic Settings),我们只需启动这一模式,便不用再手…
写此随笔,只是为了记录我安装cobbler遇到的奇怪问题,虽然这个问题很让我无语,但是竟然折腾了我一天.废话不多说,入题: 一如既往的按照以前的安装方式安装cobbler,不会出错的地方我就一带而过了: 我的是centos6.3_x64位系统! #.安装epel源: rpm -ivh http://mirrors.opencas.cn/epel/epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm #.开始安装各种必须的服务: yum install -y install dhcp…
author:JevonWei 版权声明:原创作品 cobbler 配置目录 配置文件目录 /etc/cobbler /etc/cobbler/settings : cobbler 主配置文件 /etc/cobbler/iso/: iso 模板配置文件 /etc/cobbler/pxe: pxe 模板文件 /etc/cobbler/power: 电源配置文件 /etc/cobbler/user.conf: web 服务授权配置文件 /etc/cobbler/users.digest: web 访…
cobbler [epel] cobbler服务集成 PXE DHCP rsync Http DNS Kickstart IPMI[电源管理] 1.软件安装 yum install cobbler dhcp; rpm -ql cobbler systemctl enable cobblerd dhcpd tftp httpd systemctl start cobblerd tftp httpd 2.检查配置信息 cobbler check;#以下4种提示信息根据实际情况可选择忽略 1 : en…
Cobbler报错处理 通过cobbler check检查出现的报错 红色标注为报错关键信息 9.1 报错一 # cobbler check httpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler, or SELinux is in the way. Original traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/c…
出现下面这个错误解决方法 httpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler, or SELinux is in the way. Original traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File , in check_setup s.ping() File , in __call__ return self.__send(self.__name, args) File , in…
httpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler, or SELinux is in the way. 当执行cobbler check时,出现这种错误:httpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler, or SELinux is in the way. 具体情况: httpd does not appear to be running and proxying co…
学习目标:apache在linux上的应用,通过三种方式在浏览器上访问 LAMP:linux+apache+MYSQL+php wamp:windows+apache+MYSQL+php linux上安装apache 1.安装:yum -y install httpd 查找:whereis httpd etc/httpd]:   conf  主配置文件目录主要有 httpd.conf conf.d/*.conf 自定义配置文件 logs  :日志文件,访问日志错误日志 lib:模块 如果apac…