报错内容 YangTao(57008,0x7000002a0000) malloc: *** error for object 0x6180000d6490: pointer being freed was not allocated *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug 解决方法 @synchronized (self) { [self gl_setObject:anObject forKey:aKey]; }…
使用AFNetworking 框架 解析数据 报错提示数据请求失败Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 3840.)" (JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.) UserInfo=0x9b7eba0 {NSDeb…
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_SecCertificateCopyData", referenced from: _AFCertificateTrustChainForServerTrust in AFSecurityPolicy.o "_SecCertificateCreateWithData", referenced from: _AFPublicKeyForCertificate in AFSecur…
问题: 在和Unity交互的过程中,从Unity开发工具打包出来的项目文件,在添加AFNetworking库,运行时报出以下错误: Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "_kUTTagClassMIMEType", referenced from: -[AFStreamingMultipartFormData appendPartWithFileURL:name:error:] in AFURLRequestSerialization.o…
malloc_error_break错误: .You'll find out what the object is when you break in the debugger. Just look up the call stack and you will find where you free it. That will tell you which object it is. . The easiest way to Goto Run -> Show -> Breakpoints (A…
主要原因是某部分内存释放的太频繁,解决方法是检查函数的中[xxx release]; 将其注释掉 就行了…
今天同事问了我一个问题,他make的时候报错,“第201行:dereferencing pointer to incomplete type”,我随即查阅了很多资料,也没看出个所以然.最后问题得到了解决,也懂得了原理,遂记录一下. 他的问题具体是这样. ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h> ... struct icmp* aaa;     aaa = (struct icmp*)malloc(sizeof(struct icmp)); //假设…
关于编译报错“dereferencing pointer to incomplete type... 多是没找到结构体的定义,可以在本地复制其定义试试. 参考: http://my.oschina.net/michaelyuanyuan/blog/68203?fromerr=BcJtRGrT…
当block(代码块)的返回值是float时,应注意的地方:定义的返回值类型一定要与return的返回值类型一样 我们以两个数的四则运算来举例 在main.m文件中的四则运算中,我采用两种返回值类型(int 与 float)相互对照. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> void fun1(int(^block)(int a,int b)){ block(,); } void fun2(float(^block)(float a,float b)){ block…
Heka 编译安装后 运行报错 panic: runtime error: cgo argument has Go pointer to Go pointer 解决办法: 1.  Start hekad with the GODEBUG variable exported in its environment: export GODEBUG=cgocheck=0 2. 之后出现如下报错,找不到lua文件 2017/01/16 10:33:38 Decoder 'MemStats-MemStats…