My name is Charles Humble and I am here at QCon New York 2014 with Ian Robinson. Ian, can you introduce yourself to the InfoQ community? Hello, I am Ian Robinson, I am engineer at Neo Technology, I am based in London and I work on the Neo4j graph dat…
在前面的一篇文章<图形数据库Neo4J简介>中,我们已经对其内部所使用的各种机制进行了简单地介绍.而在我们尝试对Neo4J进行大版本升级时,我发现网络上并没有任何成型的样例代码以及简介,而其自身的文档也对如何使用Spring Data Neo4J介绍得语焉不详.因此在本文中,我们就将简单地介绍如何使用Spring Data Neo4J. 本文中所使用的所有的代码都是基于Spring Data Neo4J 4.1.1的.我已经将这些代码放置在…
1 neo4j 中节点和关系的物理存储模型 1.1 neo4j存储模型 The node records contain only a pointer to their first property and their first relationship (in what is oftentermed the _relationship chain). From here, we can follow the (doubly) linked-list of relationshi…
安装neo4j高可用集群,抓图安装过程 Step1.下载neo4j商业版并解压,复制为neo4j01,neo4j02,neo4j03 Step2.修改 文件和neo4j-server.properties文件, 按照neo4j manual上面的要求修改即可. The following settings should be configured for e…