Claim-Based Identity for Windows: Technologies and Scenarios Active Diretory Federation Services 2.0 基于申明(Claim-Based)的身份验证:场景介绍 在开始使用基于申明(Cliam-Based)身份验证之前,首先得理解这个技术的基本原理.最好的方式就是通过例子来理解它是如何运作的.因此,本节将讨论一些不同的方法,这些方法可以在前面提及的云计算中使用,每个说明都使用了刚刚描述的Microso…
Windows Azure Identity Managing identity is just as important in the public cloud is it is on premises. To help with this, Windows Azure supports several different cloud identity technologies. They include these: You can run Windows Server Active Dir…
前一篇关于anti-forgery token问题的博文提到我们可以通过修改AntiForgeryConfig.UniqueClaimTypeIdentifier属性来避免AntiForgeryToken生成的问题.但是也许你编译运行后又得到了这样一个错误: A claim of type '' was not present on the provided C…
Adding Sign-On to Your Web Application Using Windows Azure AD 14 out of 19 rated this helpful - Rate this topic This document will show you how to configure a .NET application to perform web single sign-on against your Windows Azure AD enterprise dir…
// Developing a Custom Membership Provider from the scratch, and using it…
概述: 官方网站 : 写博客时的可免费下载版本  2.52, 或者在cnblogs 本地下载 --======================================================================================================= 配置参数大全: INI FILE REFERENCE Entries in the [Settings] section AddStandard…
1.在 app.UseMvc 前面加上app.UseCookieAuthentication app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions() { AuthenticationScheme = "IdeaCoreUser", LoginPath = new PathString("/Login/Login/"), AccessDeniedPath = new PathString("…
开始是一些欢迎,就不翻译 Question: Is the code already there? Answer: There is some code on that codeplex site, but more will be added after this course. Q:是否已经有代码(xaml解析的代码)? A:现在已有一些代码,不过更多的会在之后发布, Q:we need no VS? A:Yes, you need VS. Q…
In this tutorial, we'll build a simple Universal Windows Platform application that uses a trained machine learning model to recognize a numeric digit drawn by the user. This tutorial primarily focuses on how to load and use Windows ML in your UWP app…
What is Windows Azure Active Directory? Windows Azure Active Directory is a service that provides identity and access management capabilities in the cloud. In much the same way that Active Directory is a service made available to customers through th…
[Update 26.02.2014] Many thanks to everybody commented on this post. As Falk already mentioned in the comments, a Service Pack for SharePoint 2013 has been recently released. This release makes this article obsolete, as any compatibility issues seems… The importance of having correctly configured time on a PC or server. We will then move on to what is new with Windows 7 when it comes to time c…
在今天,读书有时是件“麻烦”事.它需要你付出时间,付出精力,还要付出一份心境.--仅以<Owin+ASP.NET Identity浅析系列>来祭奠那逝去的…… 使用VS2015创建MVC项目运行之后,发现微软很贴心的生成了一套用户授权验证系统,界面也很漂亮,但是扒拉代码一看,囧……新的membership框架,真是太给力了,连数据库表都给你生成了(EF的功劳),问题是,你这一堆一堆的代码,虽然看着很吊(也 确实很吊),但是看着人头大呢,只好研究研究,研究过程记录一下,希望可以帮到那些看到这堆代…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
  转自: 本帖简介 .NET 新一代的 Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) 框架,及其与 WCF 的协同运用.文后提供两本 WCF 4 书籍.一本 WIF 书籍的下载地址,及许多网络上的学习资源. 本帖并非要详述 WIF 的功能细节,事实上重点在文后的 30 多项学习资源,提供网友将来需要学习时作为参考.不然此等新技术,等到它普及不知要多…
Time again to attempt to implement that exciting technology, Federation Services (Web Single Sign On, SAML, WS-Federation, or whatever you want to call it) with SharePoint. Last time we tried this, SharePoint 2010 was a baby product, MS was just test…
Many people don't understand how the WPF layout system works, or how that knowledge can help them in their projects. I intend to shine a little light on the mechanics behind all those cool layout controls in WPF. To explain the system, I will give a…
前言 本文完全原创,转载请说明出处,希望对大家有用. 随着企业信息化建设逐渐成熟,基于微软体系的企业内部系统架构在众多企业中得到应用,随之而来的用户统一身份认证(SSO)问题成为企业IT部门急需解决的问题.本期主题围绕Active Directory Federation Services与SharePoint Server 2013集成,理解ADFS的实现方式,同时实现以SharePoint企业门户为中心的企业级办公平台,解决基于微软AD身份验证的统一身份认证问题.接下来我们从ADFS的安装.…
List of Chromium Command Line Switches There are lots of command lines which can be used with the Google Chrome browser. Some change behavior of features, others are for debugging or experi…
参考: List of Chromium Command Line Switches Condition Explanation -- ⊗ Report pseudo allocation traces. Pseudo traces are derived from currently active trace events. ↪ --/prefetch:1[1] ⊗ /pre…
User authentication is a fundamental part of any meaningful application. Unfortunately, implementing it properly can be a painful exercise that steals time and energy away from more meaningful features of our application. In this post, we'll learn st… Comparison of Intel graphics processing units From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     This page contains information about Intel's GPUs and motherboard graphics chipsets in…
Claims-Based Authorization¶ 基于声明的授权 142 of 162 people found this helpful When an identity is created it may be assigned one or more claims issued by a trusted party. A claim is name value pair that represents what the subject is, not what the subject…
(一)概述 SharePoint权限系统是整个SharePoint体系中一个比较重要的部分,权限系统主要分成两大部分:认证和授权. 认证主要解决的问题是判断登陆者是否合法,以及他究竟是哪一个用户,SharePoint与此相关的对象包括用户和用户组.SharePoint支持多种身份认证方式,从最基本的Windows集成认证到各种表单认证,并且在SharePoint 2010中增加了基于声明(Claim Based)认证方式,以及一些相关服务,允许在同一个网站中使用多种认证方式.不过认证方式的设置不…
HP LoadRunner Readme for the Windows operating system Software version: 11.00 Publication date: October 2010 This file provides information about LoadRunner version 11.00. •What's New •Installation and Configuration Information •Notes and Limitations…
转: SharePoint Permission and Security Mechanisms From time to time, our customers ask us about how SharePoint security and permission features work, and how…
A curated list of awesome Delphi frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Note that only open-source projects are considered. Dead projects are mainly ignored except for those which do not have alive analogs.…
Awesome Delphi  A curated list of awesome Delphi frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. Note that only open-source projects are considered. Dead projects are mainly ignored except for those which do not hav…
在ASP.NET 4.X 中,我们最常用的是Forms认证,它既可以用于局域网环境,也可用于互联网环境,有着非常广泛的使用.但是它很难进行扩展,更无法与第三方认证集成,因此,在 ASP.NET Core 中对认证与授权进行了全新的设计,并使用基于声明的认证(claims-based authentication),以适应现代化应用的需求.在运行原理解剖[5]:Authentication中介绍了一下HttpContext与认证系统的集成,本系列文章则来详细介绍一下 ASP.NET Core 中认…
准备工作 第一步,建立一个模板项目 本文从CookieAuthenticationMiddleware入手分析,首先我们来看看哪里用到了这个中间件,打开VisualStudio,创建一个Mvc项目,然后身份验证选择个人身份验证.此时我们获得了一个完整的项目,这个项目中登陆注册都已实现且较为完整,可以直接运行,所以我们从模板代码中来学习CookieAuthenticationMiddleware. 接下来打开项目下的根目录\App_Start\Startup.Auth.cs这个文件,文件中的部分类…