There are quite a few Firemonkey component sets available for Delphi Berlin which can get you ahead of the game when developing for Android and IOS. Think of component developers as another part of your team: they do the foundation work for you so yo…
简介 运行hadoop或者spark(调用hdfs等)时,总出现这样的错误“Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform”,其实是无法加载本地库 解决办法 1.环境变量是否设好(设好但是还不行尝试第二步) export HADOOP_COMMON_LIB_NATIVE_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/lib/nativeexport HADOOP_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_HOME/lib…
以前使用的电脑是32位的,安装的svn可以正常使用,但是现在的电脑室64位的,安装好svn后,把项目提交到svn的过程中,总是弹出来一个错误的对话框: Failed to load JavaHL Library. These are the errors that were encountered: 从网上查看了一下解决办法, 1.选择window--->preferences->Team->SVN->SVN接口 2.选择SVNKit (Pure Java) xxxxxx 如下…
一.问题背景描述: eclipse安装完svn插件以后,在启动时出现:Failed to load JavaHL Library. These are the errors that were encountered: 二.解决办法 1.选择window--->preferences->Team->SVN->SVN接口 2.选择SVNKit (Pure Java) xxxxxx 重启之后就不会再报错了,亲测有效!…
执行 bin/hdfs dfs -mkdir /user,创建目录时出现警告信息. WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 我这里用的是hadoop 2.6.4. 下载hadoop-native-64-2.6.0.tar:…
hadoop 启动后,有警告信息: WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 首先下载hadoop-native-64-2.4.0.tar:…