DbContextScope A simple and flexible way to manage your Entity Framework DbContext instances. DbContextScope was created out of the need for a better way to manage DbContext instances in Entity Framework-based applications. The commonly advocated met…
Simple Code First Example: Let's assume that we want to create a simple application for XYZ School. Users of this School application should be able to add or update Students, Standard (Grade), Teacher, and Course information. Instead of designing dat…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games http://it-ebooks.info/book/3544/Learning Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
A typical software application will invariably need to access some kind of data store in order to carry typical CRUD (Create, Read Update, Delete) operations on data. Typically, this could be some kind of database, file system or any kind of storage…
This topic demonstrates how to create a simple XAF application that uses both the Entity Framework (EF) and eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO) business models. For instance, this approach is required if you want to reuse the Entity Framework model from…
[Java] Design Pattern:Code Shape - manage your code shape Code Shape Design Pattern Here I will introduce a design pattern: Code Shape. It's fine that you never heard that, I just created it. Usage In the enterprise application development, in most c…
osharp3 整合 dbcontextscope 后,,dbcontextscope 对dbcontext管理的很好,做到,用到时创建,不用时销毁,下面看一个 trace aspx.page: End PreInit aspx.page: Begin Init aspx.page: End Init aspx.page: Begin InitComplete aspx.page: End InitComplete aspx.page: Begin PreLoad aspx.page: End…
今天推举的这篇文章,本意不是要推举文章的内容,而是据此介绍一下Simple.Data这个很有意思的类ORM工具. 现在大家在.NET开发中如果需要进行数据访问,那么基本都会使用一些ORM工具,比如微软提供的Entity Framework(现在是6.x版本,马上要发布7.0版本)或者NHibernate.当然可能有些开发人员会使用一些更轻量级的ORM工具,或者一些诸如SqlHelper的非ORM工具.在轻量级ORM工具中,比较有代表性的就是Dapper和Simple.Data. 而Simple.…
今天推举的这篇文章,本意不是要推举文章的内容,而是据此介绍一下Simple.Data这个很有意思的类ORM工具. 现在大家在.NET开发中如果需要进行数据访问,那么基本都会使用一些ORM工具,比如微软提供的Entity Framework(现在是6.x版本,马上要发布7.0版本)或者NHibernate.当然可能有些开发人员会使用一些更轻量级的ORM工具,或者一些诸如SqlHelper的非ORM工具.在轻量级ORM工具中,比较有代表性的就是Dapper和Simple.Data. 而Simple.…
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a Simple Action. For this purpose, a new View Controller will be implemented and a new Simple Action will be added to it. This Action will clear all Tracked Tasks of a specific Contact. 在本课中,您将学习如何创建简单按钮.为…
UPDATE: the source code for DbContextScope is now available on GitHub: DbContextScope on GitHub. A bit of context This isn't the first post that has been written about managing the DbContext lifetime in Entity Framework-based applications. In fact, t…
原文链接:http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/3d39b4/crud-operations-using-the-generic-repository-pattern-and-dep/ 系列目录: Relationship in Entity Framework Using Code First Approach With Fluent API[[使用EF Code-First方式和Fluent API来探讨EF中的关系]] Code First Mig…
Awesome系列的.Net资源整理.awesome-dotnet是由quozd发起和维护.内容包括:编译器.压缩.应用框架.应用模板.加密.数据库.反编译.IDE.日志.风格指南等. 算法与数据结构(Algorithms and Data structures) Algorithmia - Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 3.5 and up. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms…
Awesome Big Data A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness. Inspired byawesome-php, awesome-python, awesome-ruby, hadoopecosystemtable & big-data. Your contributions are always welcome! Awesome Big Data Frameworks…
注:本文是[ASP.NET Identity系列教程]的第一篇.本系列教程详细.完整.深入地介绍了微软的ASP.NET Identity技术,描述了如何运用ASP.NET Identity实现应用程序的用户管理,以及实现应用程序的认证与授权等相关技术,译者希望本系列教程能成为掌握ASP.NET Identity技术的一份完整而有价值的资料.读者若是能够按照文章的描述,一边阅读.一边实践.一边理解,定能有意想不到的巨大收获!希望本系列博文能够得到广大园友的高度推荐. $(document).rea…
注:本文是[ASP.NET Identity系列教程]的第三篇.本系列教程详细.完整.深入地介绍了微软的ASP.NET Identity技术,描述了如何运用ASP.NET Identity实现应用程序的用户管理,以及实现应用程序的认证与授权等相关技术,译者希望本系列教程能成为掌握ASP.NET Identity技术的一份完整而有价值的资料.读者若是能够按照文章的描述,一边阅读.一边实践.一边理解,定能有意想不到的巨大收获!希望本系列博文能够得到广大园友的高度推荐. $(document).rea…
from:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229335.aspx 我们平时在VS.net里引用的那些类库就是从这里来的 The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundat…
转自:http://developer.51cto.com/art/201507/483510.htm 很多来自世界各地的程序员不求回报的写代码为别人造轮子.贡献代码.开发框架.开放源代码使得分散在世界各地的程序员们都能够贡献他们的代码与创新. Python就是这样一门受到全世界各地开源社区支持的语言.Python可以用来开发各种小工具软件.web应用.科学计算.数据分析等等,Python拥有大量的流行框架,比如Django.使用Python框架时,可以根据自己的需求插入不同的模块,比如可以用S…
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ViewModel这个概念不只是在在MVC模式中有,你会在很多关于MVC.MVP.MVVM的文章中见到这个说法,并且这个概念在任何技术中都有可能提到,比如ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF, or MVC... 现在我们来讨论如何在MVC中使用它. ASP.NET MVC ViewModel 是什么? 在一般的情况下,我们向View中传递数据的时候,都是一个Model,当有一些额外的数据的时候,我们会使用viewbag等来进行,但是我们可以使用ViewModel将这些整合在一起也…
Awesome Python  A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. Awesome Python Environment Management Package Management Package Repositories Distribution Build Tools Interactive Interpreter Fi…
Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet Introduction to Deep Learning with Python How to implement a neural network How to build and run your first deep learning network Neur…
Hortworks 作为Apache Hadoop2.0社区的开拓者,构建了一套自己的Hadoop生态圈,包括存储数据的HDFS,资源管理框架YARN,计算模型MAPREDUCE.TEZ等,服务于数据平台的PIG.HIVE&HCATALOG.HBASE,HDFS存储的数据通过FLUME和SQOOP导入导出,集群监控AMBARI.数据生命周期管理FALCON.作业调度系统OOZIE.本文简要介绍了各个系统的概念.另外大多系统都通过Apache开源,读者可以自行下载试用. Hortworks Had…
本文转自:http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/01/15/asp-net-mvc-2-model-validation.aspx?CommentPosted=true [In addition to blogging, I am also now using Twitter for quick updates and to share links. Follow me at: twitter.com/scottgu] This is the s…
原文链接: https://github.com/dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks Frontend Development Looking for something else? Take a look at the awesome collection of other awesome lists. Guides Bento: a collection of guides for web development. Hack Design: An easy to…
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock! If you see a package or project here that…
https://github.com/onurakpolat/awesome-bigdata A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, resources and other awesomeness. Inspired by awesome-php, awesome-python, awesome-ruby, hadoopecosystemtable & big-data. Your contributions are always welco…
来源:http://www.cnblogs.com/r01cn/p/5194257.html 注:本文是[ASP.NET Identity系列教程]的第一篇.本系列教程详细.完整.深入地介绍了微软的ASP.NET Identity技术,描述了如何运用ASP.NET Identity实现应用程序的用户管理,以及实现应用程序的认证与授权等相关技术,译者希望本系列教程能成为掌握ASP.NET Identity技术的一份完整而有价值的资料.读者若是能够按照文章的描述,一边阅读.一边实践.一边理解,定能有…
转载来源:http://www.cnblogs.com/r01cn/p/5194257.html 注:本文是[ASP.NET Identity系列教程]的第三篇.本系列教程详细.完整.深入地介绍了微软的ASP.NET Identity技术,描述了如何运用ASP.NET Identity实现应用程序的用户管理,以及实现应用程序的认证与授权等相关技术,译者希望本系列教程能成为掌握ASP.NET Identity技术的一份完整而有价值的资料.读者若是能够按照文章的描述,一边阅读.一边实践.一边理解,定…
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