The BGND interface provides the standard 6 pin connection for the single wire BGND signal type development port.   Target types that apply this development port are the 9S08, RS08, and Coldfire V1.   +V_TRG, TBGND, TRG_RST*, and Ground are applied by…
OSBDM-JM60 - 9S08JM60 Based OSBDM — It includes interfaces and firmware applied to all the targets supported by the previous open source BDMs. It includes new features and JTAG operations. It provides interface to 9S08, 9RS08, Coldfire V1, V2, V3 and…
Introduction USBDM is a debugger hardware interface for a range of Freescale microcontrollers. It is designed to work with Freescale's Codewarrior software under Windows and Linux. More recently basic support for Coldfire and Kinetis with the Codesou…
Introduction The FRM-xxxx boards from Freescale includes a minimal SWD based debugging interface for ARM Kinetis targets. The interface hardware is simple but flexible enough to be used with a wide range of Kinetis devices. The board includes provisi…
USBDM BDM Interface for Freescale Microcontroller -- Hardware Adapter_4_0_0 - Adapter for Coldfire -> Kinetis JMxx_PCB_4_0_0 - JMxx based BDMs (current but complex) JS16_PCB_4_0_0 - JS16 based BDMs (some current) JB16_PCB_4_0_0_Obsolete - JB16 based…
USBDM BDM Interface for Freescale Microcontroller -- Firmware BDM firmware for USBDM BDMs Refer to sourceforge for release files Release files: Documentation: The projects in…
中国汽车业已成为全球第一市场,标志着中国汽车产业进入了白热化竞争时代,因此,人们对汽车的操控性,安全性,易用性,舒适性,以及智能化要求也越来越高,更大的空间需求和更多的零部件因而产生了冲突,这就要求汽车零部件,特别是汽车电子往功能集中化.控制智能化.信息网络化方向发展,同时确保产品高性能低成本以应对竞争激烈的市场.在众多的汽车电器中,首先聚焦的就是车身控制模块(BCM).作为车身电器的大总管和中枢神经,BCM的功能越来越强大,集成度也越来越高,这就要求有更专业半导体器件作为支撑. 作为汽车半导体…
cmsis dap interface firmware The source code of the mbed HDK (tools + libraries) is available in this repository: What It Provides The CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware provides: USB Mass Storage Device for drag and…
1.ST官方正式出版了两种仿真器:ST-LINK.ST-LINK/V2,其他型号(ST-LINK II,ST-LINK III,…)要么是国内公司生产,要么是开发板自带的:2.在ST官网ST-LINK的状态为NRND(not recommended for new designs),官方已经不建议在新产品设计中使用该产品:3.ST-LINK/V2是官方最新主推的STM8.STM32仿真器,内部电路.接口保护均作了改进: 还有一个支持隔离的ST-LINK/V2版本,order code是ST-Li…
拷贝自维基百科,参考百度百科 ==>调用栈结构与系统相关. 在计算机中,应用二进制接口(英语:application binary interface,缩写为 ABI)描述了应用程序(或者其他类型)和操作系统之间或其他应用程序的低级接口. 目录 1 描述 2 EABI 3 参见 4 参考资料 5 外部链接 描述 ABI涵盖了各种细节,如: 数据类型的大小.布局和对齐; 调用约定(控制着函数的参数如何传送以及如何接受返回值),例如,是所有的参数都通过栈传递,还是部分参数通过寄存器传递:哪个寄存器用…