如何用SQL排除重复结果只取字段最大值的记录?要求得到的结果(即是PID相同的记录只取ID值最大的那一条). select * from [Sheet1$] a from [Sheet1$] where PID=a.PID and ID>a.ID) select a.* from [Sheet1$] a inner join (select PID,max(ID) as max_id from [Sheet1$] group by PID) b on a.PID=b.PID and a.ID=b…
题目: Given two integers n and k, return all possible combinations of k numbers out of 1 ... n. 解析:同求全部组合的过程一样,只是这里限制每个组合中元素的个数为k,求所有组合时并不限制元素个数. 若要排除重复的元素,则首先对所有元素进行排序. 代码: public static List<List<Integer>> getAllCombinations(int[] array,int k)…
--高性能排除重复select userid from table where userid in ( select userid from ( select userid, row_number()over(partition by email order by userid ) num from table ) v ) row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY COL1 ORDER BY COL2) 表示根据COL1分组,在分组内部根据 COL2排序 row_numbe…