Supervised Learning In supervised learning, we are given a data set and already know what our correct output should look like, having the idea that there is a relationship between the input and the output. Supervised learning problems are categorized…
Machine Learning is a class of algorithms which is data-driven, i.e. unlike "normal" algorithms it is the data that "tells" what the "good answer" is. Example: an hypothetical non-machine learning algorithm for face recogniti…
Predictive learning vs. representation learning  预测学习 与 表示学习 When you take a machine learning class, there's a good chance it's divided into a unit on supervised learning and a unit on unsupervised learning. We certainly care about this distinction f…
监督学习即是supervised learning,原始数据中有每个数据有自己的数据结构同时有标签,用于classify,机器learn的是判定规则,通过已成熟的数据training model达到判断新点类型的目的. 非监督学习即是unsupervised learning,原始数据中没有附加标签,仅有数据结构,cluster的过程是机器发现相似数据结构先去找相似pattern,没有新加入的数据,仅是对原始数据的描述.  …
Unsupervised learning, attention, and other mysteries Get notified when our free report “Future of Machine Intelligence: Perspectives from Leading Practitioners” is available for download. The following interview is one of many that will be included…
来源: 无监督学习近年来很热,先后应用于computer vision, audio classification和 NLP等问题,通过机器进行无监督学习feature得到的结果,其accuracy大多明显优于其他方法进行training.本文将主要针对Andrew的unsupervised learning,结合他的视频:unsupervised feature learning b…
1    Unsupervised Learning 1.1    k-means clustering algorithm 1.1.1    算法思想 1.1.2    k-means的不足之处 1.1.3    如何选择K值 1.1.4    Spark MLlib 实现 k-means 算法 1.2    Mixture of Gaussians and the EM algorithm 1.3    The EM Algorithm 1.4    Principal Components…
Unsupervised Learning: Use Cases Contents Visualization K-Means Clustering Transfer Learning K-Nearest Neighbors The features learned by deep neural networks can be used for the purposes of classification, clustering and regression. Neural nets are s…
Deep Learning and Shallow Learning 由于 Deep Learning 现在如火如荼的势头,在各种领域逐渐占据 state-of-the-art 的地位,上个学期在一门课的 project 中见识过了 deep learning 的效果,最近在做一个东西的时候模型上遇到一点瓶颈于是终于决定也来了解一下这个魔幻的领域. 据说 Deep Learning 的 break through 大概可以从 Hinton 在 2006 年提出的用于训练 Deep Belief… 无监督学习近年来很热,先后应用于computer vision, audio classification和 NLP等问题,通过机器进行无监督学习feature得到的结果,其accuracy大多明显优于其他方法进行training.本文将主要针对Andrew的unsupervised learning,结合他的视频:unsupervised feature learning by A…