You can get Oprofile RPM from How to use Oprofile tools: Get report Steps: opcontrol --init //加载模块,mout /dev/oprofile 创建必需的文件和目录 opcontrol --no-vmlinux opcontrol --reset //清除当前会话中的数据 opcontrol --start //开始profiling 运行应用程序(tes…
Open source and free log analysis and log management tools. Maintained by Dr. Anton Chuvakin Version 1 created 3/3/2010 Version 1.1 updated 4/15/2010 Version 1.2 updated 10/1/2010 Version 1.3 updated 3/3/2011 This page lists a few popular free open-s…
1.ctrl+alt+s打开设置界面,找到Tool-> External Tools 点击 +来增加一个新的外部工具. 在tool setting 的Program输入工具的路径,可以插入宏,比如$JDKPath$,不需要自己再手动输入jdk的路径了, 在Parameters中输入-c $FileClass$ ,$FileClass$代表要解析的 class文件,-c代表输出分解后的代码 在Workding Directory中输入$OutputPath$,代表项目的输出路径 ps1:关于插入宏…
Linux TCP Performance Tuning News Linux Performance Tuning Recommended Books Recommended Links Linux performance bottlenecks Kernel parameters tuning on Linux Performance Monitoring tcpdump iptraf netstat ntop nfsstat lsof vmstat Disk subsystem tunin…
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原文:A guide to analyzing Python performance While it’s not always the case that every Python program you write will require a rigorous performance analysis, it is reassuring to know that there are a wide variety of tools in Python’s ecosystem that one… the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…
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Awesome Java A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software. Awesome Java Ancients Bean Mapping Build Bytecode Manipulation Cluster Management Code Analysis Code Coverage Compiler-compiler Configuration Constraint Satisfaction Prob…
Research Code A rational methodology for lossy compression - REWIC is a software-based implementation of a a rational system for progressive transmission which, in absence of a priori knowledge about regions of interest, choose at any truncation time…