COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION • Fetch: Read the next instruction from memory into the processor. • Execute: Interpret the opcode and perform the indicated operation. • Interrupt: If interrupts are enab…
Simon Cooke,美国 (原作者) 北京理工大学 20981 陈罡(翻译) 写在前面的话: 循环缓冲区是一个非常常用的数据存储结构,已经被广泛地用于连续.流数据的存储和通信应用中.对于循环缓冲区,传统的操作方法是开辟一块连续的存储区,不 断地写入数据,当写入到存储区的末尾的时候,再从存储区的首部再开始写入数据,由此不断地重复下去构成了循环缓冲区.偶曾经写过很多循环缓冲区,也看过很 多人编写的循环缓冲区,但是拜读Simon Cooke先生的文章────“两段式”循环缓冲区(原文名称是:The…
Introduction The Bip-Buffer is like a circular buffer, but slightly different. Instead of keeping one head and tail pointer to the data in the buffer, it maintains two revolving regions, allowing for fast data access without having to worry about wra…
从今天开始记录学习sharc dsp过程中的点点滴滴吧.   DPI:Digital Peripheral Interface DAI:Digital Audio Interface   SHARC SIMD Core SIMD 单指令多数据 ADSP-2148x包含两个用作单指令.多数据(SIMD)引擎的计算处理器元件,分别称为PEX和PEY,各元件均由ALU.乘法器.移位器和寄存器文件组成. PEX始终有效,PEY可通过将MODE1寄存器的PEYEN模式位设为1来使能.SIMD模式允许处理器…
转载自: 1. What is an operating system? An operating system is a program that acts as an intermediary between the user and the computer hard…
---恢复内容开始--- OBDII Interface Project When I can ever find enough time away from schoolwork, I try to work on an OBDII compliant portable ScanTool. However, with my current course load and lab projects progress on this project has been very slow. I fi…
How can you add extra hardware UARTs to a 32bit TMS470 ARM7-based microcontroller at zero cost? Solution: Designers can use the high-end timer (HET) peripheral found on all Texas Instruments ARM7-based, 32-bit TMS470 microcontrollers to implement add…
偶然发现一篇哈希的综述文章,虽然是1996年写的,里面的一些评测在今天看来早已经小case了.但是今天仍然极具参考价值. 地址: 正文: Hashing algorithms occupy a unique place in the hearts of programmers. Discovered early on in computer science, they are am…
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention pertains to a write combining buffer for use in a microprocessor. The microprocessor fetches data and instructions which are stored by an external main memory. The data and instructions are sent over a b…
时钟周期vs机器周期 Clock cycle The speed of a computer processor, or CPU, is determined by the clock cycle, which is the amount of time between two pulses of an oscillator. Generally speaking, the higher number of pulses per second, the faster the computer p…
转自: Every Programmer Should Know These Latency Numbers The Performance Zone is brought to you in partnership with New Relic. Quickly learn how to use Docker and containers in general to create…
关键词 address bus 地址总线 asynchronous timing 异步时序 bus 总线 bus arbitration 总线仲裁 bus width 总线宽度 centralized arbitration 集中式仲裁 data bus 数据总线 disable interrupt 禁止中断 distributed arbitration 分布式仲裁 instruction cycle 指令周期 instruction execute 指令执行 instruction fetc…
Characteristics of Some CISCs, RISCs, and Superscalar Processors One of the most visible forms of evolution associated with computers is that of pro-gramming languages. As the cost of hardware has dropped, the relative cost of soft-ware has risen. Al…
15. Life Cycle of the Products 产品的生命周期 (1) We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the instruction of instant coffee.When it was introduced,most people did not like it as well as "regular" coffee and it took several years to ga…
A code sequence made up multiple instructions and specifying an offset from a base address is identified in an object file. The offset from the base address corresponds to an offset location in a memory configured for storing an address of a variable…
A data processing system includes a plurality of transaction masters (4, 6, 8, 10) each with an associated local cache memory (12, 14, 16, 18) and coupled to coherent interconnect circuitry (20). Monitoring circuitry (24) within the coherent intercon…
Executing a Next Instruction Access Intent instruction by a computer. The processor obtains an access intent instruction indicating an access intent. The access intent is associated with an operand of a next sequential instruction. The access intent…
在使用JSONObject.fromObject的时候,出现“There is a cycle in the hierarchy”异常.   意思是出现了死循环,也就是Model之间有循环包含关系:   解决办法:   使用setCycleDetectionStrategy防止自包含   代码: JsonConfig jsonConfig=new JsonConfig();  jsonConfig.setIgnoreDefaultExcludes(false);…
元素轮播效果是页面中经常会使用的一种效果.这个例子实现了通过元素的隐藏和显示来表现轮播效果.效果比较简单. 效果图如下: 源代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=utf-8;"> <title> cycle demo </title> <…
Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null. Follow up: Can you solve it without using extra space? 这个求单链表中的环的起始点是之前那个判断单链表中是否有环的延伸,可参见我之前的一篇文章 ( 还是要设…
Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it. Follow up: Can you solve it without using extra space? 这道题是快慢指针的经典应用.只需要设两个指针,一个每次走一步的慢指针和一个每次走两步的快指针,如果链表里有环的话,两个指针最终肯定会相遇.实在是太巧妙了,要是我肯定想不出来.代码如下: C++ 解法: class Solution { public: bool hasCycle…
Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it. ExampleGiven -21->10->4->5, tail connects to node index 1, return true Challenge Follow up:Can you solve it without using extra space? LeetCode上的原题,请参见我之前的博客Linked List Cycle. class Solution… 平均权值最小的回路 为后面的做个铺垫 二分最小值,每条边权减去他,有负环说明有的回路平均权值小于他 spfa求负环的时候可以先把所有点加到队列里,d[i]=0 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <cstring> using namespace std; ; ,INF=1e9; inl…
题目要求 Linked List Cycle Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it. Follow up: Can you solve it without using extra space? 如何判断一个单链表中有环? Linked List Cycle II Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle…
Life Cycle of Thread – Understanding Thread States in Java 深入理解java线程生命周期. Understanding Life Cycle of Thread and Thread States are very important when you are working with Threads and programming for multi-threaded environment. 理解线程的生命周期很重要滴,当你在你的程序…
Linked List Cycle Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it. Follow up:Can you solve it without using extra space? Linked List Two Pointers     ''' Created on Nov 13, 2014 @author: ScottGu<,> ''' # De…
We could take advantage of plist to bypass Trust Relationship so as to extract data from a iDevice. Now it becomes an impossible mission in iOS 10. As you could see the iOS version is iOS 10.0.2. Now my workstation trust this iDevice, and the plist i…
原文地址: 是什么 Cycle.js 是一个极简的JavaScript框架(核心部分加上注释125行),提供了一种函数式,响应式的人机交互接口(以下简称HCI): 函数式 Cycle.js 把应用程序抽象成一个纯函数 main(),从外部世界读取副作用(sources),然后产生输出(sinks) 传递到外部世界,在那形成副作用.这些外部世界的副作用,做为Cycle.js的…
在使用JSONObject.fromObject的时候,出现“There is a cycle in the hierarchy”异常. 意思是出现了死循环,也就是Model之间有循环包含关系: 解决办法: 使用setCycleDetectionStrategy防止自包含 代码: JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig(); jsonConfig.setCycleDetectionStrategy(CycleDetectionStrategy.LENIENT…
Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null. Note: Do not modify the linked list. Follow up:Can you solve it without using extra space? 参考 方法: 第一次相遇时slo…