Hadoop官网提供的编译好的hadoop-2.3.0.tar.gz二进制包是在32位系统上编译的,在64系统上运行会有一些错误,比如: WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 此时需要自行编译hadoop 2.30 源码.本人编译的hadoop 2.30的二进制包经实验证明可以…
Caffe+CUDA7.5+CuDNNv3+OpenCV3.0+Ubuntu14.04 配置参考文献 ---- Wang Xiao Warning: Please make sure the cuda is installed correctly, before you reboot your PC, or you may stucked and can not open your system. Check in your terminal: nvidia-smi If it shown…
本文介绍如何在不使用U盘的情况下使用wubi.exe程序在Win7上安装ubuntu-14.04.3版系统. 花了一天的时间终于安装上了Ubuntu14.04,过程坎坷,是血泪史,开始报“cannot download the metalink and therefore the ISO”错误,解决后,又报“没有定义根文件系统”,解决后在运行系统之后发现,此种方法会在启动时提示 “为/检查磁盘时发生严重错误 ”,并且无法进入系统,折腾了半天,终于找到解决方法.解决完3个错误后,终于安装上了,长舒…
Caffe + CUDA8.0 + CuDNNv5.1 + OpenCV3.1 + Ubuntu14.04 配置参考文献 ---- Wang Xiao Anhui University CVPR Group 2017-05-27 Warning: Please make sure the cuda is installed correctly, before you reboot your PC, or you may stucked and can not open your sy…