Angular overrides quite a few existing HTML elements and attributes. This can be a useful technique in our own applications. We will build a directive that adds additional functionality to the src property of an <img>. Javascript: /** * Created by A…
Text I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bou…
Migrating an Existing Website from SQL Membership to ASP.NET Identity public class User : IdentityUser { public User() { CreateDate = DateTime.Now; IsApproved = false; LastLoginDate = DateTime.Now; LastActivityDate = DateTime.Now; LastPasswordChanged…
Today, I have to create a dll project(called my.sln), the dllmain.cpp/.h/ is already in another project(called A.sln), I only have to update the included lib file in my dll project. So I create a new win32 project, which is an empty dll project. Here…
下午从生产库导出了一份表结构,用来测试一些问题,由于生产库连接着其他用户下的表所以通过视图在本地模拟一下,于是创建视图: create or replace view csews as select * from order_list; 但是出现ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object的错误, 上网查了下说是数据库中有了同名对象,于是查询 select * from all_objects where object_name='c…
今天Linux服务器机子重启了下,Oracle启动不起来,提示:解决ORA-00824: cannot set sga_target due to existing 看了很多解决方法,发现下面这个特别好,特别简单 转: 按照这种思路: 1.我们完全可以先用pfile的配置参数启动数据库实例 2.通过pfile重建spfile文件(create spfile from pfile) 3.关闭数… Clear [C#] using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.PermissionPolicy; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.Strategy; using System.Collections.Generic; //.. public override void UpdateData…
The play.libs package contains several useful libraries that will help you to achieve common programming tasks. Most of these libraries are simple helpers that are really straightforward to use: Codec: Utilities to encode and decode data. Crypto: Cry…
本文转自: Somehow I manage to create new rows between two rows in an existing excel file. The problem is, some of the formatting were…
以前,我们可以为lib目录下的jar包关联源代码,但是现在似乎不行了. 下面是一篇讲述此问题解决方法的文章: How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? 下面是google论坛对此问题的一篇讨论: 总之,此问题是可以解决的.…
While developing a page with multiple scrolls levels, and especially when using a grid, you may get the error Data being added conflicts with existing data. (18,2). This suggests a problem with the key structures in the tables in your lower scroll le…
ERROR:interface eth0 does not exist; ensure that you have loaded the correct kernel moudle for your hardware error sshd needs service(s) net:,为此重新编译了设备驱动的内核模块 Check dependice: /lib/rc/bin/rc-de…