[标题] Enhancing Reliability and Response Times via Replication in Computing Clusters [作者] Zhan Qiu and Juan F. Perez, Imperial College London [来源] INFOCOM 2015 [why] 计算集群中含有成千上万节点,request failure和server failure等因素影响服务可靠性,随着资源规模增大和复杂度增加,可靠性不断下降. 当前研究主要…
HDFS架构 the core of HADOOP/distributed systems is storeage(HDFS) and resource manager(YARN) for computing engines built on it. Master/Slave: The character of distribution system follows M/S pattern. Name Node NN is the master and single active node. i…
原文:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/os-beyondmysql/ Introduction MySQL is one of the most popular free and open source programs in history. It's the database backbone for thousands of websites and could arguably be given credit (along with L…
1.0.0 Summary Tittle:[Java]-NO.20.Exam.1.Java.1.001-[1z0-807] Style:EBook Series:Java Since:2017-10-22 End:.... Total Hours:... Degree Of Diffculty:2 Degree Of Mastery:2 Practical Level:2 Desired Goal:2 Archieve Goal:.... Gerneral Evaluation:... Writ…
https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus Architecture overview Prometheus Server Prometheus Server 负责从 Exporter 拉取和存储监控数据,并提供一套灵活的查询语言(PromQL)供用户使用. Exporter Exporter 负责收集目标对象(host, container-)的性能数据,并通过 HTTP 接口供 Prometheus Server 获取. 可视化组件 监控数据的可视化展现…
A collection of multiple user credentials each associated with one of multiple different users is obtained at a device, and one or more of the multiple user credentials are verified. A determination is made as to whether access to a resource is permi…
In one embodiment, a computing device (e.g., border router or network management server) transmits a discovery message into a computer network, such as in response to a given trigger. In response to the discovery message, the device receives a unicas…
十一.Eureka Server 集群 在实际的生产环境中,可能有几十个或者几百个的微服务实例,Eureka Server 承担了非常高的负载,而且为了保证注册中心高可用,一般都要部署成集群的,下面就来看看 eureka server 的集群. 1.搭建 Eureka Server 集群 首先来搭建一个三个节点的 eureka-server 集群,看看效果. ① 集群配置 首先在本地 hosts 文件中配置如下映射: 1 peer1 2 peer2 3 1…
Advancing Informatics for healthcare and healthcare applications has become an international research priority. There is increased effort to transform reactive care to proactive and preventive care, clinic-centric to patient-centered practice, traini…
[静默安装]configToolAllCommands响应文件问题 客户在静默安装RAC的时候有如下的输出: Successfully Setup Software. As install user, execute the following script to complete the configuration.         1. /oracle/app/12.1.0/grid/cfgtoollogs/configToolAllCommands RESPONSE_FI…