C. New Year and Rating time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Every Codeforces user has rating, described with one integer, possibly negative or zero. Users are divided into two d…
向别人学习一波,记点流水帐.17.5.29开坑. 5.29 早晨看了道据说是树状数组优化DP的题(hdu5542),然后脑补了一个复杂度500^3的meet in the middle.然后死T...弃疗. 上午考试有一道sb线段树和一道简单数位DP.还有一道是毕姥爷在WC讲的"超立方体".对着数据范围的表格写了半天部分分然后你告诉我测试数据和这个数据范围根本不一样? 并不会FWT,又因为不太想学新算法,就决定不改题了. 下午先把某个课件的坑填完了.然后在bzoj上乱逛. 决定写写SD…