Actually I do not have experiences in programming with open sources/third party libs.. in linux.. I think this took me almost 3 days to figure out how to learn programming with open source tools.. First you need to build libs/shared libs in the syste…
This is a tutorial on how to program the Serial Ports on your Linux box.Serial Ports are nice little interfaces on the PC which helps you to interface your embedded system projects using a minimum number of wires.In this tutorial we will write a smal…
Typically two processes communicate with each other on a single system through one of the following inter process communication techniques. Pipes Message queues Shared memory There are several other methods. But the above are some of the very classic…
Server.c #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <errno.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/io.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #…
linux 命令中英文对照,收集   linux 命令英文全文 Is Linux CLI case-sensitive? The answer is, yes. If you try to run LS instead of ls, it would display an error. There are some advantages of using a case-sensitive command line. The computers that existed in earlier de…
放在最前面:鉴于网上爬虫猖獗,博客被盗时有发生,这里需要来个链接,大家请认准来自博客园的Scoter:,本文将持续更新 最近绿盟给扫描出了几个漏洞,都是关于openssh的,于是仔细看了一下,即使是最新版的CentOS 7.2也还在用openssh 6.6.1p1,yum update更新无济于事,那么只有我们自己动手了 CentOS 7.2更新过程 1.查看一下openssh的版本信息 [root@localhost ~]# s…
ref: Given that the goal of this article is to introduce you to the Linux kernel and explore its architecture and major components, let's start with a short t…
设备文件与设备号   在Linux下,一切皆文件,设备也不例外,为了管理这些设备,系统为它们各自都编了号,而每个设备号又分为主设备号和次设备号.主设备号用来区分不同类型的设备,而次设备号用来区分同一类型内的多个设备(及其设备分区).一个Linux系统,当前所有注册设备的主设备号可以通过/proc接口查看: [root@localhost lenky]# cat /proc/devices Character devices: 1 mem 4 /dev/vc/0 4 tty 4 ttyS 5 /d…
从今天開始.将开启Linux环境高级编程(Advanced Programming Of Linux Enviroment)的学习笔记或者说总结,我将持续和大家分享自己的学习成果.本系列博客依托于lilin老师的课程,代码也基本上来自于课程的内容.在得到老师的允许和允许情况.我在github上新建了一个仓库和大家分享代码,仓库名称为APLE .有不论什么建议或者想法的能够一起參加进来改进代码. 首先,我们介绍下系列博客的基本内容.APLE系列主要是在掌握基本Linux API的基础上.封装了一套…
1. 添加官方软件库 1) 编辑/etc/apt/sources.list leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list 2) 用#注释掉原有的内容,并添加下述内容: # Regular repositories deb sana main non-free contrib deb sana/updates main contrib non-free #…