区间DP.dp[i][j]表示第i到第j个全部释放最小费用. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; const int INF=0x7FFFFFFF; +; int T,P,Q; int a[maxn]; int dp[maxn][maxn]; void read() { scanf("%d%d"…
Problem You're about to play a simplified "battleship" game with your little brother. The board for this game is a rectangular grid with R rows and C columns. At the start of the game, you will close your eyes, and you will keep them closed unti…
Google Code Jam 2010 Round 1C Problem A. Rope Intranet https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/619102/dashboard#s=p0 Problem A. Rope Intranet A company is located in two very tall buildings. The company intranet connecting the buildings consists of m…
TCO round 1C的 250 和500 的题目都太脑残了,不说了. TCO round 1C 950 一个棋子,每次等概率的向左向右移动,然后走n步之后,期望cover的区域大小?求cover,肯定就是dp[l][r][n], 走了n步之后,左边cover了l,右边cover了r. 一开始DP没有搞清楚,这个要画一下图就更清楚了. 转移方程就是概率的传递方向. 1: double dp[505][505][2]; // l,r,n steps unsed; 2: class RedPain…
GCJ1C09C - Bribe the Prisoners Problem In a kingdom there are prison cells (numbered 1 to P) built to form a straight line segment. Cells number i and i+1 are adjacent, and prisoners in adjacent cells are called "neighbours." A wall with a windo…
Problem In a kingdom there are prison cells (numbered 1 to P) built to form a straight line segment. Cells number i and i+1 are adjacent, and prisoners in adjacent cells are called "neighbours." A wall with a window separates adjacent cells, and…
https://code.google.com/codejam/contest/619102/dashboard#s=p1&a=1 Problem Now that you have won Code Jam and been hired by Google as a software engineer, you have been assigned to work on their wildly popular programming contest website. Google is ex…
题意: 给定一个N*N的矩阵,由0,1组成,只允许交换相邻的两行,把矩阵转化为下三角矩阵(对角线上方全是0),最少需要多少次交换?(保证可以转化为下三角矩阵) Large: N<=40 解析: 假如每一行的1的个数都是不相同的,即,最终答案中的矩阵是唯一的,这就相当于求对给定数组冒泡排序需要几次交换一样.但显然,题目没有如此保证. 方法是贪心法:(策略不给出证明) 从第一行到最后一行依次满足,因为可以满足前面行的也一定可以满足后面的,所以每次只需要找到可以满足当前行的最近的就可以了. 预处理最后…
Problem You are waiting in a long line to get a haircut at a trendy barber shop. The shop has B barbers on duty, and they are numbered 1 through B. It always takes the kth barber exactly Mk minutes to cut a customer's hair, and a barber can only cut…
这是现场完整做出来的唯一一道题Orz..而且还调了很久的bug.还是太弱了. Problem When you travel, you like to spend time sightseeing in as many cities as possible, but sometimes you might not be able to because you need to catch the bus to the next city. To maximize your travel enjoy…