Trim(copy(m,11,5)):copy里面的3个参数(m,11,5)分别是什么意思?COPY还有其他的参数吗? m :就是copy源,就是一个字符串,表示你将要从m里copy一些东西11 : 从m中的第11位开始copy(包含第11位)5 : copy从第11位开始后的5个字符exp:m:='the fellowship of the ring';s:=copy(m, 2, 2);//s就等于'he' 提问者评价 谢谢…
uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Forms, Controls, Classes, Graphics; function CaptureScreenRect( ARect: TRect ): TBitmap; var ScreenDC: HDC; begin Result := TBitmap.Create; with Result, ARect do begin Width := Right - Left; Height := Bottom - Top; ScreenDC :…
原文地址 Ever wanted to monitor your Delphi application in realtime, and be able to view log messages? Of course you can always run in full debug mode inside RAD Studio IDE. Another way is to outp…