Ref: Concurrent and parallel are effectively the same principle as you correctly surmise, both are related to tasks being execu…
前段时间在公司给大家分享GO语言的一些特性,然后讲到了并发概念,大家表示很迷茫,然后分享过程中我拿来了Rob Pike大神的Slides <Concurrency is not Parallelism>,反而搞的大家更迷茫了,看来大家丢了很多以前的基本知识.后来我就把Pike大神的slide和网上的一些牛人关于Cocurrency和Parallelism的观点做了整理,最终写了本文. 在Rob Pike的<Concurrency is not Parallelism>(http:/… /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public partial class Form2 : Form { //[ComVisible(false)] //public delegate void ParameterizedThreadStart(object objfield); /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public… Terminology and Concepts In this chapter we attempt to establish a common terminology to define a solid ground for communicating about concurrent, distributed systems which Akka.NET targets. Please note th…
Normally, when you implement a simple, concurrent Java application, you implement some Runnable objects and then the corresponding Thread objects. You control the creation, execution, and status of those threads in your program. Java 5 introduced an…
Today is Monday, April 28. I get a telephone call from Morgan Stanley in Shanghai. My examiner is a man, whose English is good. By the way, he is a Chinese. So he can understand my poor English. I was very nervous at the beginning, and I cannot follo…
引言 在这篇文章中我会主要介绍CPU相关的一些重要概念和技术.如果你想更好地了解操作系统,那就从本文开始吧. 中央处理器(Central processing unit) 在我们了解其它概念之前,我们应该首先了解一下什么是CPU,它是做什么的,它的主要组件以及相应的作用都是什么? 简单点说,CPU其实就是计算机内部的一个电子电路.根据一些具体的指令它可以执行基本的运算,逻辑,控制和IO操作等.CPU的主要组件包括: 算术逻辑单元(ALU is short for 'arithmetic logi…
G1垃圾收集器入门 说明 concurrent: 并发, 多个线程协同做同一件事情(有状态) parallel: 并行, 多个线程各做各的事情(互相间无共享状态) 参考: What’s the difference between concurrency and parallelism 概述 目的 本文介绍如何使用G1,及在 Hotspot JVM 中怎么使用G1垃圾收集器. 您将了解 G1 收集器的内部原理, 切换为 G1 收集器的命令行参数, 以及让其记录GC日志的选项. 需要的时间 大约…
mysql的存储引擎主要有:MyISAM和InnoDB MyISAM和InnoDB的主要区别:InnoDB支持事务和参照完整性(即为主键约束,数据库的主键和外键类型一定要一致) 存储引擎是针对表而言而非针对数据库而言的,这点很重要!我们可以根据不同的表选择不同的存储引擎,如mysql数据中,默认的mysql这个表,存储引擎就是MyISAN stackoverflow上的一段话: The main differences between InnoDB and MyISAM ("with respe…
From time to time, I receive questions from developers which highlight either a need for more information about the new “async” and “await” keywords in C# and Visual Basic. I’ve been cataloguing these questions, and I thought I’d take this opportunit…