HQL运算符 QBC运算符 含义 = Restrictions.eq() 等于equal <> Restrictions.ne() 不等于not equal > Restrictions.gt() 大于greater than >= Restrictions.ge() 大于等于greater than or equal < Restrictions.lt() 小于less than <= Restrictions.le() 小于等于less than or equ…
union 和 left join 结合查询用法 SELECT u.nickname,z.group_comming_type,z.id,z.user_id,z.title,z.create_time from (( ) union ( )) order by z.create_time DESC LIMIT 0,10 ;…
mysql子查询用法 1 可以当值来用<pre>select id from hcyuyin_share where id=(select id from hcyuyin_share limit 200000,1)</pre> 2 可以当做表来用<pre>select o.nickName,o.sex,o.province,o.city,from_unixtime(m.time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as starttime,from_unixtim…
With as短语,也叫做子查询部分(subquery factoring),可以定义一个SQL片断,该SQL片断会被整个SQL语句用到.该语句会在真正的查询之前预先构造一个临时表,之后可以多次使用做进一步的分析和处理. 优势: 1.可以使SQL语句的可读性更高: 2.一次分析,多次使用,提高性能: 语法: with tempName as (select ...) select * from tempName; with tmp as (select * from table_1), tmp2…