What is Dark Social & Dark Traffic? By Iaroslav Kudritskiy Google Analytics is supposed to speak the truth about website traffic. However, looking into you're traffic channels, you'll find 20% or 30% of traffic is coming in direct. The user used a UR…
chrome & dark theme Dark Reader Extensions https://darkreader.org/help/en/ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh?hl=en-US Theme Black Black Chrome Theme https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/black-…
switchable css dark theme in js & html custom element dark theme / dark mode https://codepen.io/xgqfrms/pen/rNxWzzg See the Pen html custom element & Switchable dark theme by xgqfrms (@xgqfrms) on CodePen. 1turn === 360deg === 2…
the pilot: 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集,试播 -Tattoo Artist: That's it. tatoo: 纹身 artist: 艺术家 完成了. Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute? minute: 分钟 能让我欣赏下吗? You're an artist, Sid. artist: 艺术家 你真是个艺术家,Sid. You're t…