
https://www.g-truc.net/post-0597.html https://michaldrobot.com/2014/04/01/gcn-execution-patterns-in-full-screen-passes/ https://fgiesen.wordpress.com/2011/07/10/a-trip-through-the-graphics-pipeline-2011-part-8/…
Welcome back to what’s going to be the last “official” part of this series – I’ll do more GPU-related posts in the future, but this series is long enough already. We’ve been touring all the regular parts of the graphics pipeline, down to different le…
Welcome back.     Last time, we dove into bottom end of the pixel pipeline. This time, we’ll switch back to the middle of the pipeline to look at what is probably the most visible addition that came with D3D10: Geometry Shaders.     But first, some m…
In this part, I’ll be dealing with the first half of pixel processing: dispatch and actual pixel shading. In fact, this is really what most graphics programmer think about when talking about pixel processing; the alpha blend and late Z stages we’ll e…
Irradiance Environment Map基本原理 Irradiance Environment Map(也叫Irradiance Map或Diffuse Environment Map),属于Image Based Lighting技术中的一种. Irradiance Map的详细定义可参考GPU Gems2  Chapter 10.“Real-Time Computation of Dynamic Irradiance Environment Maps”.简单说来就是一种用于近似E…
[Game Engine Architecture 6] 1.Data-Parallel Computations A GPU is a specialized coprocessor designed specifically to accelerate those computations that involve a high degree of data parallelism. It does so by combining SIMD parallelism (vectorized A…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOGIDMJThto https://www.khronos.org/assets/uploads/developers/library/2016-vulkan-devday-uk/9-Asynchonous-compute.pdf https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d12/user-mode-heap-synchronization https://gpu…
目录 13.1 本篇概述 13.1.1 本篇内容 13.1.2 概念总览 13.1.3 现代图形API特点 13.2 设备上下文 13.2.1 启动流程 13.2.2 Device 13.2.3 Swapchain 13.3 管线资源 13.3.1 Command 13.3.2 Render Pass 13.3.3 Texture, Shader 13.3.4 Shader Binding 13.3.5 Heap, Buffer 13.3.6 Fence, Barrier, Semaphore…