3 Working life p8 Grammar Gerund and infinitive(动名词和不定式) 一般而言:        1 动词后面接动名词还是不定式没有特定规则,主要取决于语言习惯 2 介词后接动词和动名词 3 动词后多接不定式   动名词表达经常性或已经发生的事 而不定时表达一次性或者将发生的事 +gerund (-ing) be worth, have trouble/difficulty, succeed in, think about/consider, enjoy…
4 1.1 Working life    P10 Reading----The anonymous CV Exercise 3  What should be included in the CV 1 personal details 2 education and qualifications 3 working experience action words: developed don’t mention routine relate skills to the job 4 intere…
2 1.1Working Life p7 reading attitudes to work Question6: 对于Attitude问题 1 I be willing/ unwilling to do sth 2 I prefer…. 3 I want… 4 I expect… 5 I ask for… Question 7:Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggests to yo…
How do you learn English very fast? Every week, I get emails about this topic.   Typically, someone writes and wants to know how they can speak fluently in only 2 or 3 months.  Usually they are in a hurry because they have a test or an interview comi…
尽早把托福这个坑填上方是正道,在正式上托福课之前阅读了这本Guide,颇受启发——只要是考试,总是有固定的方法的= = An Insider's Guide to TOEFL iBT It is NOT a test of grammar skills, so do not go into the TOEFL expecting to fill in blanks with the correct verb or vocabulary word. You will need to have a…
加州的资料总共买过三次: ①优妈妈儿童教育,买过美国加州小学一.二年级的语文及相应的练习册,并买了纸版资料. (这是自己学习用的) ②美国加州原版小学教材Reading Wonders 2014新版语文幼儿园六年级(内容真的好多) 包括: 1.Reading Writing Workshop (读写训练:即主教材,着重培养孩子的阅读和写作能力) GK-G6 PDF+音频MP3  另外还有G1-G6 的点读版软件(exe格式) 全网独家首推有声PDF点读版GK-G6,支持 IPAD,Android…
①在springboot的spring-boot-starter-web默认引入了以下依赖: <dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-annotations</artifactId> <version>2.8.0</version></dependency><dependency>…
https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-teaching-excellence/teaching-resources/teaching-tips/educational-technologies/all/gamification-and-game-based-learning Games can introduce goals, interaction, feedback, problem solving, competition, narrative, and fun…
目录 p1 课程概述 p2 speaking part1, intro, warm up introduction questions then 4 questions about one topic p3, speaking part2 Before the exam: 1.topics 2. techniques 3. vocabulary 4. example question p4 describe a place topic preparation tip: interesting/f…
https://www.examenglish.com/BEC/BEC_Vantage.html https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/exams-and-tests/business-vantage/ What is the BEC Vantage test like? Difficulty level: B2 The test has five sections: Reading - 60 minutes, 45 questions 1. part 1 - mat…