DynamoDB Local for Desktop Development】的更多相关文章

Would you like to be able to write and test code that uses the Amazon DynamoDB API even if you have no network connection and without incurring any usage charges ? If so, you are going to love Amazon's new DynamoDB Local test tool. DynamoDB Local is…
原文地址:http://www.infoq.com/articles/ddd-in-practice Background Domain Driven Design (DDD) is about mapping business domain concepts into software artifacts. Most of the writings and articles on this topic have been based on Eric Evans' book "Domain Dr…
                          A complete click-by-click, step-by-step video of this article is available here. OR… You can read the article, line-by-line. It all starts with a Linux Server running in the Windows Azure cloud… Onto this you’ll install a re…
To enable C development in a Windows 10 development environment VM, follow these steps: Start VS in the Windows 10 development environment VM. Choose "File" -> "New" -> "Project", choose "Open Visual Studio Install…
本文由Vikings(http://www.cnblogs.com/vikings-blog/) 原创,转载请标明.谢谢! 我喜欢带着目标来学习新知识.因此学习nodejs过程中,不喜欢只看枯燥的语法和概念,喜欢做一些有实际应用意义的事情.这样写出来的代码更加的接地气,同时边写边学可以避免学习疲劳,算是寓教于乐. 所以在第四节课中,我开始尝试在nodejs中使用DynamoDB.为什么选择DynamoDB呢? 一方面它是目前云环境中最具代表性的NoSql数据库,另外一方面它在国外实在非常火,估计…
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