最近在一个项目中有需要用到将图片从GrayScale转为FalseColor,然而百度了一下Halcon 伪彩色等关键字均找不到相关答案,倒是有很多OpenCV和Matlab的...后来在搜索中看到了一个lut字眼,恍然记起Halcon中有 set_lut 的这条Operator.试了一下果然是这条算子,在这里记录下来,方便其他人搜索. Halcon中的实现 read_image (Img1, 'img1') access_channel (Img1, Image, 1) get_image_s…
How to read and write pixel data Bitmap processing Image Stride Bayer Color Filter Pattern High-Quality Algorithm for Bayer Pattern Interpolation ToolBox: ImageCooker…
A method of offloading, from a host data processing unit (205), iSCSI TCP/IP processing of data streams coming through at least one TCP/IP connection (3071 ,307 2 ,307 3), and a related iSCSI TCP/IP Offload Engine (TOE). The method including: providi…
BACKGROUND The present invention relates to video processing systems. Advances in imaging technology have led to high resolution cameras for personal use as well as professional use. Personal uses include digital cameras and camcorders that can captu…
BACKGROUND 1. Field The present invention generally relates to rendering two-dimension representations from three-dimensional scenes, and more particularly to using ray tracing for accelerated rendering of photo-realistic two-dimensional representati…
Java奇技淫巧-插件化注解处理API(Pluggable Annotation Processing API) 参考资料 JDK6的新特性之六:插入式注解处理API(Pluggable Annotation Processing API) Java Annotation Processing and Creating a Builder 简介 插件化注解处理(Pluggable Annotation Processing)APIJSR 269提供一套标准API来处理AnnotationsJSR…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Intel_graphics_processing_units Comparison of Intel graphics processing units From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     This page contains information about Intel's GPUs and motherboard graphics chipsets in…
参考资料 JDK6的新特性之六:插入式注解处理API(Pluggable Annotation Processing API) Java Annotation Processing and Creating a Builder 简介 插件化注解处理(Pluggable Annotation Processing)APIJSR 269提供一套标准API来处理AnnotationsJSR 175,实际上JSR 269不仅仅用来处理Annotation,我觉得更强大的功能是它建立了Java 语言本身的…
Libraries for a modern geospatial workflow现代地理空间工作的类库 Distribution Writing, Running, and Distributing(编写.运行和分发) Tox driven development Publishing python libraries Numpy Introduction to Numpy Using Numpy Arrays Array Creation Creating and manipulating…
1 Processing    1.1 Processing简介          Processing是一种具有革命前瞻性的新兴计算机语言,它的概念是在电子艺术的环境下介绍程序语言,并将电子艺术的概念介绍给程序设计师.它是 Java 语言的延伸,并支持许多现有的 Java 语言架构,不过在语法 (syntax) 上简易许多,并具有许多贴心及人性化的设计.Processing 可以在 Windows.MAC OS X.MAC OS 9 .Linux 等操作系统上使用.目前最新版本为Process…