TSS: Total Sum of Squares(总离差平方和) --- 因变量的方差 RSS: Residual Sum of Squares (残差平方和) --- 由误差导致的真实值和估计值之间的偏差平方和(Sum Of Squares Due To Error) ESS: Explained Sum of Squares (回归平方和) --- 被模型解释的方差(Sum Of Squares Due To Regression) TSS=RSS+ESS R2: Coefficien…
SSE(和方差.误差平方和):The sum of squares due to errorMSE(均方差.方差):Mean squared errorRMSE(均方根.标准差):Root mean squared errorR-square(确定系数):Coefficient of determinationAdjusted R-square:Degree-of-freedom adjusted coefficient of determination 下面我对以上几个名词进行详细的解释下,相…
SSE(和方差.误差平方和):The sum of squares due to error MSE(均方差.方差):Mean squared errorRMSE(均方根.标准差):Root mean squared errorR-square(确定系数):Coefficient of determinationAdjusted R-square:Degree-of-freedom adjusted coefficient of determination 下面我对以上几个名词进行详细的解释下,…
转载自:http://blog.csdn.net/l18930738887/article/details/50629409 SSE(和方差.误差平方和):The sum of squares due to errorMSE(均方差.方差):Mean squared errorRMSE(均方根.标准差):Root mean squared errorR-square(确定系数):Coefficient of determinationAdjusted R-square:Degree-of-fre…