React VR ships with a handful of 3D primitives. We'll importprimitives like <Sphere/>, <Box/>, <Cylinder/>, and <Plane/> and explore how they can positioned in a three dimensional space. We'll also check out some of their propertie…
In order to illuminate a scene containing 3D objects a lighting setup is required. In this lesson we'll walk through the available lighting components and create a common outdoor lighting setup. This includes the components: <AmbientLight/>, which a…
React VR isn't limited to simple 3D primitives. By using the <Model/> Component we can place a complex 3D models into our scene. import React from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, asset, Pano, Text, View, Image, Model, Sphere, PointLight, AmbientLight…
We will learn how to set up a React VR project, run the development mode with hot reloading, and take a small dive into the generated code and make a small change. Install: npm -g i react-vr-cli Create app: react-vr init app Enable hotreload: localho…
React VR 技术开发群 579149907,欢迎加入讨论!分享经验!…
Motion is an important aspect of a complete immersive experience, therefor we are going to look into the animation API Animated. Animated allows us to express a wide variety of animation patterns to animate text, images, and views. In addition we'll…
目前很多人对VR全景这个词汇没有明确的概念,更没有人做过全面的研究,VR全景是什么?VR全景可以做什么?不同于我们经常听到的VR色情,全景智慧城市常诚今天就来为各位做一个系统全面的介绍,深入了解之后,相信各位对VR全景会有一个新的认识,也将了解VR全景是如何超越平面.3D成为主流的. VR全景能让人产生身临其境的感觉,虚拟现实的体验,最早我们应用的多是一些平面或者3D技术,为什么现在的VR全景会超越他们,受到人们青睐呢? 我们先来看这几个简单的问题, 1.市场消费群体是谁? 70?80?90?,… github 的地址 欢迎 star! 之前项目中用到了 3D 模型演示的问题,整理了一下之前学习总结以及遇到的坑.3D 框架有老牌引擎 Three.js 和微软的 Babylon.js 对比一下还是使用更为普遍的 Three.js Three.js基础概念 主要来自于<Three.js 开发指南>也可以参考在线网站 threejs 教程 3个基础概念:场景(scene).相机(camera)和渲染…
参考资料: Target Audience: People Who Know Just Enough jQuery to Get by Before I begin, I'd like to clarify who my target audience is. Zed Shaw, the a…
有幸你能看来我的这篇文章,这篇文章是继React后面写的Reactroute,所以你需要看看我前面整理的React笔记再来看Reactroute可能更容易 All the work we've done so far has either been in index.js or Detail.js, but now we're going to add a third file called List.js that will render a home page for our app. Fr…