Write Code As If You Had to Support It for the Rest of Your Life Yuriy Zubarev YOU COULD ASK 97 PEOPLE what every programmer should know and do, and you might get 97 distinct answers. This could be both overwhelming and intimidating at the same time.…
第7章 高级概念 The Code First modeling functionality that you have seen so far should be enough to get you up and running with most applications. However, Code First also includes some more advanced functionality that you may require as your needs advance.…
在EntityFramework 6.1后可以直接使用 [Index("TitleIndex", IsUnique = true)] public string Title { get; set; } 在旧版本中, Unfortunately you can't define it as unique key in code first because EF doesn't support unique keys at all (it is hopefully planned for…
建立smo.m % function [alpha,bias] = smo(X, y, C, tol) function model = smo(X, y, C, tol) % SMO: SMO algorithm for SVM % %Implementation of the Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) %training algorithm for Vapnik's Support Vector Machine (SVM) % % This…
https://www.checkmarx.com/2014/11/13/the-ultimate-list-of-open-source-static-code-analysis-security-tools/ Doing security the right way demands an army – of developers, security teams, and the tools that each uses to help create and maintain secure c…
这个方法是简单的也是神奇的. 有木有想过,将自己项目中的所有类型,包括自定义类型的命名空间和名称全部获取出来? 有木有想过,有一种简便的方法可以自动化管理项目中的控件和窗体? 有木有想过... 首先,要敢想.要敢尝试. 通过以下方法,进行简单变换,是可以做到本程序控制本项目的窗体和控件. 以下方法简单了,就不一一说明了,如果你觉得有用,全部复制了编译一下,看看就明白是怎么反射了. 当然懂得大大们看到我有不足之处,请不要谩骂了,我脸皮薄,被你们骂骂就泄气了,技术有限,请大大们不吝赐教. 基础方法…
记得我之前发表过一篇文章<Winform应用程序实现通用遮罩层>,是实现了透明遮罩的消息窗口,功能侧重点在动图显示+消息提醒,效果看上去比较的炫,而本篇我又来重新设计通用消息窗口,功能重点在于消息提醒.进度报告,当然如果大家时间,可以将两种相结合,那样就会更完美了,我这里仍是以实现功能为主,由于代码相对简单,我就直接贴上所有代码,大家可以直接复制到本地测试,若发现问题可自行改正或反馈给我,我来完善,谢谢! using System; using System.Collections.Gener…
-------------201504161039更新------------- 更新内容: IWaitForm接口删除System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult DialogResult属性.即隐藏等待窗体的方式不再分为设置DialogResult和调用Hide()两种,改为仅调用Hide()一种,简化设计.由于Hide()属于访问控件,执行器需根据自身是否会跨线程调用该方法而做出相应处理 WaitUI增加私有方法HideWaitForm,用于隐藏等待窗体(由于会在后台…
The Language level setting sets which features the code assistance in the editor should support. For example, if you're using JDK 1.7 but want your code to be compatible with JDK 1.6, you can set the language level lower than your actual JDK supports…
原文地址:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/4773/Events-and-Delegates-Simplified 引用翻译地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/finesite/articles/255884.html 目录 导论 什么是委托 事件的理解 事件关键字 最后 1. 导论 在学习C#中的委托和事件过程中,我读了许多文章来理解他们二者究竟是怎么一回事,以及如何使用他们,现在我将整个的理解过程陈述以下,我学到的每一方面,恐怕也是你们…