Entity Framework 5.0 API是分布在两个地方:NuGet和.NET Framework中,这个.NET framework 4.0/4.5包含EF核心的API,然而通过NuGet包获取的EntityFramework.dll包含EF 5.0特别的特性:EF6.0中不是分开的: Entity Framework 5.0 API was distributed in two places, in NuGet package and in .NET framework. The .…
我们来看看EF的框架设计吧: The following figure shows the overall architecture of the Entity Framework. Let us now look at the components of the architecture individually: EDM (Entity Data Model): EDM consists of three main parts - Conceptual model, Mapping and…
We created EDM for existing database in the previous section. As you have learned in the previous section that EDM contains entities for each table in the database. There are two types of Entities in Entity Framework 5.0/6.0: POCO entity and dynamic…
Here, you will learn how entity framework manages the relationships between entities. Entity framework supports three types of relationships, same as database: 1) One to One 2) One to Many, and 3) Many to Many. We have created an Entity Data Model fo…
EF自己包括看视频,看MSDN零零散散的学了一点皮毛,这次打算系统学习一下EF.我将会使用VS2012来学习这个EF基础系列. 现在看看EF的历史吧: EF版本 相关版本特性介绍 EF3.5 基于数据库优先的模式的基础ORM框架(Basic O/RM support with Database First approach.) EF4.0 支持简单传统CLR对象(Plain old CLR Object),懒加载, 提高了可测试性,可以自定义代码的生成,支持ModeFirst: (POCO Su…
大家好,好久不见,EF系列之前落下了,还是打算重新整理一下. 先说说目前的打算:先简单了解一下EF基础系列-->然后就是EF 6 Code-First系列-->接着就是EF 6 DB-First系列-->最后就是EF Core系列的学习了.EF Model-First已经过时,被微软抛弃,就不学了.这一次打算好好整理一下,一定不会烂尾,更新的可能慢点,但一定不烂尾,一定不烂尾,一定不烂尾.谢谢大家支持! 好了,废话不多说,直接步入正题. 本系列是翻译系列,原文地址是:什么是Entity…
原文链接:http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/EntityFramework4.3/persistence-in-entity-framework.aspx 大家好,这一篇就是我们EF基础系列的最后一篇了,EF基础系列主要讲解的就是EF的一些基础理论知识,方便大家继续后面的学习. 使用EF有两种情况持久化数据到数据库中:一种是the Connected Scenario[连接模式],另外一种是the Disconnected Scenario[断开模式]…
EF产生的背景: 编写ADO.NET访问数据的代码,是沉闷而枯燥的,所以微软提供了一个对象关系映射框架(我们称之为EF),通过EF可以自动帮助我们的程序自动生成相关数据库. Writing and managing ADO.Net code for data access is a tedious and monotonous job. Microsoft has provided an O/RM framework called "Entity Framework" to autom…
Before we work on CRUD operation (Create, Read, Update, Delete), it's important to understand the entity lifecycle and how it is being managed by the EntityFramework. During an entity's lifetime, each entity has an entity state based on the operation…
原文链接:http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/basics/how-entity-framework-works.aspx 这里,你将会大概了解到EF是怎么工作的. Entity Framework API(EF 6和EF Core),可以将领域类映射到数据库中.将LINQ 语句转化为SQL.在实体整个生命周期内,跟踪实体的改变,并且保存改变到数据库中. 实体数据模型(Entity Data Model) EF API 的首要任务就是构建实体数据模型.实…