Some settings of PostgreSQL】的更多相关文章

Here are some setting recommendations about checkpoints, some values to set in postgresql.conf. A checkpoint consists of a complete flush of dirty buffers to disk, so it potentially generates a lot of I/O. The performance of your system will be impac…
When it comes to highly available database servers and configuration, a very important aspect is whether or not a changed setting requires a database restart before taking effect. While it is true that many of these are important enough and they shou…
Durability is a database feature that guarantees the recording of committed transactions even if the server crashes or loses power. However, durability adds significant database overhead, so if your site does not require such a guarantee, PostgreSQL…
公司的一个项目,使用的nodejs做服务端,数据库是postgresql,在本地时一切ok,放在centos时,postgresql配置ok,可以远程访问,但是nodejs在centos启动时,就会报错,找不到postgresql服务,Error Msg如下: 09/14 10:00:27 - info: Error: Failed to find PostgresSQL server. Please double check your connectCallback (…
1        Set max_connections to three times the number of processor cores on the server. Include virtual (hyperthreading) cores. Set shared_buffers             to 4GB for servers with up to 64 GB of RAM. Use 8GB for systems with more than 64 GB of RA…
其他见: 本文利用pg_upgrade实现将8.4.18版本升级到9.5.0版本,8.4.18版本为RedHat系统自带pg数据库版本. 环境:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago) X86-64 查看手册看到可以利用pg_upgrade实现从8.4到9.5版本直接升级: pg_upgrade supports upgrades from 8.3.X…
bucardo是PostgreSQL数据库中实现双向同步的软件,可以实现PostgreSQL数据库的双master的方案,不过bucardo中的同步都是异步的,它是通过触发器记录变化,程序是perl写的.bucardo可以实现postgresql的多主复制.主从同步,甚至可以以postgresql为源库,可以和oracle.mysql.mongodb等很多数据库进行数据异步同步.   而pg原生的stream replication:虽可以同步:只能单向同步.只能是只读操作.而bucardo不支…
今天碰到了一个问题,锁定穷根追底把postgresql的锁研究了一番. 数据库查看锁 可以通过表 pg_locks来查看有哪些锁.sql如下: select a.locktype,a.database,,a.mode,a.relation,b.relname from pg_locks a join pg_class b on a.relation = b.oid and b.relname not like 'pg%'; 可以通过pg_stat_query表找到具体的sql,根据pi…
How to debug plpgsql with pgAdminIII [root@localhost soft_bak]# git clone git:// Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/soft_bak/pldebugger/.git/ remote: Counting objects: 445, done. remote: Compressing objects:…
PostgreSQL Insight Monitor  pgstat pgstat 是一个连接到数据库并获取数据库的活动状态的命令行工具. PostgreSQL有许多状态: archiver for pg_stat_archiver bgwriter for pg_stat_bgwriter connection for connections by type database for pg_stat_database table for pg_stat_all_tables tableio f…