最近一场TC,做得是在是烂,不过最后challenge阶段用一个随机数据cha了一个明显错误的代码,最后免于暴跌rating,还涨了一点.TC题目质量还是很高的,非常锻炼思维,拓展做题的视野,老老实实补题吧. div2 250pts 题意:判断s去掉一个字符后能否和t一样. 代码: class DecipherabilityEasy { public: string check(string s, string t) { int n = s.size(); int m = t.size(); !…
Pop is an extensible animation engine for iOS and OS X. In addition to basic static animations, it supports spring and decay dynamic animations, making it useful for building realistic, physics-based interactions. The API allows quick integration wit…