csuoj 1350: To Add Which?】的更多相关文章

这个题目其实很简单,可惜当时比赛的时候看到出的人少,以为有trick,就和队友扯淡去了: 因为每个数总是被相邻的数影响,所以往前往后扫两遍就行了: #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #define maxn 100005 using namespace std; int num[maxn]; int num1[maxn]; int num2[maxn]; int main() { int t;…
1350: To Add Which? Submit Page    Summary    Time Limit: 1 Sec     Memory Limit: 128 Mb     Submitted: 303     Solved: 134 Description There is an integer sequence with N integers. You can use 1 unit of cost to increase any integer in the sequence b…
1350: To Add Which? Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB Description There is an integer sequence with N integers. You can use 1 unit of cost to increase any integer in the sequence by 1.    Could you tell us the least units of cost to achieve tha…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1350 给m个顾客的乘车信息,表示几点前上车,要从一个坐标点到达另一个坐标点,花费的时间是两点的曼哈顿距离,两次换乘至少间隔1分钟(具体看样例),求最少的司机数目 把每位顾客看成一个点,如果该司机可以在接完a顾客后接到b顾客,则视为a到b连一条有向边.这个图肯定是无环的(已经接完的顾客不需要再去接),并且要用尽可能少的路径(司机)覆盖所有点,所以转化为DAG图最小路径覆盖的问题,二分图最大匹配经典模型 #inc…
异常处理汇总-后端系列 http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/4523006.html 应用场景:ViewModel==>Mode映射的时候出错 AutoMappe r错误信息:Unmapped members were found. Review the types and members below.Add a custom mapping expression, ignore, add a custom resolver, or modify the sour…
前言 我比较喜欢安静,大概和我喜欢研究和琢磨技术原因相关吧,刚好到了元旦节,这几天可以好好学习下EF Core,同时在项目当中用到EF Core,借此机会给予比较深入的理解,这里我们只讲解和EF 6.x中不同,相同的则不再叙述. EntityFramework Core 1.1方法理论详解 当我们利用EF Core查询数据库时如果我们不显式关闭变更追踪的话,此时实体是被追踪的,关于变更追踪我们下节再叙.就像我们之前在EF 6.x中讨论的那样,不建议手动关闭变更追踪,对于有些特殊情况下,关闭变更追…
ASP.NET Core 引用外部程序包的时候,有时会出现下面的错误: The type 'Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. Sample.Infrastructure..NETStan…
本文转自:http://docs.nopcommerce.com/display/nc/How+to+code+my+own+shipping+rate+computation+method Go to start of metadata   In nopCommerce, administration menu is build from the Sitemap.Configuration file which is located in Nop.Admin folder. To do the…
一.简介 这个示例详细介绍ALayout的add方法的使用(原理也适用于Linearlayout),以及add上去的新ui和已有的ui如何数据交换,初学者推荐.二.效果图 三.相关下载 https://github.com/do-project/code4do/tree/master/testALayoutAdd四.相关讨论 http://bbs.deviceone.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=512&extra=page%3D1五.更多案例http:…
You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The most significant digit comes first and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list. You may assume the two numbers do not con…