[Angular 2] A Simple Form in Angular 2】的更多相关文章

When you create a Form in Angular 2, you can easily get all the values from the Form using ControlGroup and Controls. Bind [ng-form-model] to the <form> form bind to ControlGoup Bind [ng-form-control] to the <input> input bind to Gontrol impor…
We have a form component: <label> <h3>Type</h3> <workout-type formControlName="type" ></workout-type> </label> form = this.fb.group({ name: ['', Validators.required], type: 'strength' }); constructor( private…
如果你不知道什么是Angular或者根本没听说过,那么我接下来所说的对你来说毫无益处,不过如果你打算以后会接触Angular或者干脆要涨涨姿势~读下去还是有点用的. Angular和它之前所出现的其余前端框架最大的不同,在于它的核心不再是DOM,而是数据,是model.我们惯用的不管是单纯的jQuery还是MVC的Backbone,它们本质仍是让我们更方便更有条理的操作DOM,但是Angular不是.通过一系列魔术般的手法,它将一切的重心转移到数据上.以开发应用而不是操作节点的方式去开发Web,…
Using the Angular 2 router requires defining routes, passing them in to the RouterModule.forRoot and then importing the configured RouterModule into your main App Module. Use the Wiki Search as example project. Create a HomeComponent to contain every…
目录 一. 漫谈Angular 二. 如果你还在使用Angularjs 三. 我计划这样学习Angular技术栈 一. 漫谈Angular Angular,来自Google的前端SPA框架,与React,Vue并称前端框架的三驾马车,前些日子刚发布了7.0版本.它是一个十足的革命者,每一次亮相,都会把新的思想和软件层面的实现提供给开发者,从Angularjs1.0时代推翻jQuery的统治地位,到Angular2.0时代基于Typescript的全面升级,再到现在每半年一个大版本的高速更新迭代,…
When migrating AngularJS (v1.x) applications to Angular you have different options. Using Angular Elements is one of them. In this lesson we learn how to integrate an Angular Element into an AngularJS (v1.x) application. We will leverage some feature…
一.Overview angular 入坑记录的笔记第一篇,完成开发环境的搭建,以及如何通过 angular cli 来创建第一个 angular 应用.入坑一个多星期,通过学习官方文档以及手摸手的按教程敲官方的快速上手项目,很像后端,嗯,完美的契合了我这种后端开发人员. 对应官方文档地址: 搭建本地开发环境和工作空间 ng new ng serve 工作区和项目文件结构 配套代码地址:angular-practice/src/getting-started 二.Contents Angular…
前言 今天是进入公司的第三天,为了能尽快投入项目与成为团队可用的战力,我正在努力啃官方文档学习 Angular 的知识,所以这一篇文章主要是记录我如何阅读官方文档后,实现这个非常基本的.带导航的网页应用. 需求 需求大概是这样的: 开一个新的 Angular 项目,并且一开始选择加入 Router 功能 根组件是 AppComponent ,然后下方有三个子组件分别是 page1 page2 page3 可以在 AppComponent 内点击连结切换到这三个页面 参考文档: 路由与导航 Rou…
AngularJS 1.3 add $submitted for form, so you can use  $submitted  to track whether the submit event is trggered. Read More: https://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-new-in-angular-1-3-updates-to-forms <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <scrip…
In this tutorial we are going to learn how we can also implement custom form field validation in Angular 2 template driven forms, by creating our own custom validation directive. We are going to see how to write such directive and how its a best prac…
ng-change = "formChange()" 不起作用 应该改为: onchanged = "angular.element(this).scope().formChange()"…
In this post, we are going to create our own structure directive *ngFor. What it should looks like in HTML? <div> <ul> <li *myFor="let item of items; let i = index;"> {{ i }} Member: {{ item.name | json }} </li> <templ…
Angular提供了一套非常强大的表单验证库(vue和react都需要第三方库的支持),可以非常方便简单实现web应用程序中的表单验证功能.但是如何让我们自定义的组件也支持验证呢? 我遇到一个需求是封装WangEditor这个富文本编辑器放到表单中. 这种需求是非常常见的,Angular给我们提供了ControlValueAccessor接口,我们可以很方便的实现自定义验证功能 理解ControlValueAccessor 用官方的话来说,ControlValueAccessor是充当 Angu…
Services are used to share data between components. They follow a module pattern that allows you to use the data throughout your application so that your data is consistent and in sync. Create a service.module.ts: import { NgModule} from '@angular/co…
angularJS的源代码整体上来说是一个自执行函数,在angularJS加载完成后,就会自动执行了. angular源代码中: angular = window.angular || (window.angular = {}) 定义一个全局的angular空对象. 然后: bindJQuery(); //绑定jQuery publishExternalAPI(angular); //扩展angular对象的方法和属性 jqLite(document).ready(function() { an…
今天做了一些图来说明angular,由于angular实在太复杂了,不知道用什么图表示比较好,所以就胡乱画了一些,希望有人能看得懂. 一.源码文件编译合并顺序图 二.angular.module函数功能图 三.publishExternalAPI函数功能图 四.注入器工厂函数createInjector内部的providerCache和instanceCache 上一期:angular源码分析:angular的整个加载流程 下期预告:angular源码分析:angular中$rootscope的…
You can place content inside of the instance of your component element then manage it inside of the component’s template using ng-content. This process is called reprojection, but you may be more familiar with the term “transclusion”. Home: <div>I a…
In this lesson we will learn several ways to debug an Angular 2 application, including by using Augury and the console. This is especially useful in situations (typically in enterprise development) where we are not administrators on our machine and d…
Angular cli 运行 build后打开生成的index.html报错:In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js 生成代码如下: ng build --port 错误: Error: In this configuration Angular requires Zone.js 解决方法:(缺少zone.js包的引用,增加zone.js包的依赖就好了) npm install --save zone.js…
1.disable : true ,禁用 2.$timeout 计时器 $interval.cancel(timer); 3.app.run();  可以不使用控制器就开启数据,但适合$rootscope; app.run(['rootScope',function($rootScope){ }]) 4.angular 里 字符串与对象互转 angular.toJson();将字符串转成对象 angular.forJson(); 将字符串转成对象 5.监听 $scope.$watch('要监听的…
If we’re going to make our toggle accessible, we’ll need to apply certain aria attributes to the control that does the toggling. Instead of making the parent component handle that, we can provide a toggler directive that automatically applies the nee…
Obviously in a real world application we do not only fetch data from the backend, but we also send data to be stored permanently on the server side. The HttpClient gives us different options for achieving this. In this lesson we will look at how to a…
To define an Angular Animation, we using DSL type of language. Means we are going to define few animations ('fadeIn', 'fadeOut'). Then we need to define something called 'transition', which use those animations. 'transition' defines from which state…
Angular allows us to conveniently use the async pipe to automatically register to RxJS observables and render the result into the template once the request succeeds. This has some drawbacks, especially if we want to bind the same data in multiple par…
Angular 2 templates have a special let syntax that allows you to define and pass a context when they’re being generated. We have template: <template #template let-description="description"> <h2>My {{description}} template</h2>…
A @Directive can also listen to events on their host element using @HostListener. This allows you to add behaviors that react to user input and update or modify properties on the element without having to create a custom component. import {Directive,…
The @Input decorator allows you to pass values into your @Directive so that you can change the value of the Directive each time that it is used. Using @Input makes your Directives much more flexible and reusable so they can adapt to many different si…
由于经常跑去写后端, 而且一些就几个月...很多 ng 的东西就忘掉了. 写在这里方便复习呗. 1. async pipe 没有 resolve 前返回的值是 null 2 view component 没有写 [input] 的话, ng 是不会给 input 属性赋值的所以属性根本不会被创建 (oninit 时 object.keys(this) 可以看出来) , 我们可以通过在 constructor 写一个 default value, 这样在 onInit 时就可以拿到 default…
The network may be unreliable and loading data may take time. Thus it is important to give the user some feedback about what's going on as fast as possible. In this lesson we learn how to leverage the else block of the *ngIf directive to show a simpl…
You have complete control over the elements you nest inside of your component instance by using selectors to access and rearrange them. Selecting allows you reconstruct the elements in whatever order you like so you can visual customize the content p…