Building and using plug-ins for Android】的更多相关文章

转自: Building and running Node.js for Android October 14, 2014 / By Administrator / In Thali / 19 Comments The good news is that Node.js does run on Android. The bad news is that at least at the time I’m writing…
ZXing是一个开放源代码的,用Java实现的多种格式的1D/2D条码图像处理库,它包括了联系到其它语言的port.Zxing能够实现使用手机的内置的摄像头完毕条形码的扫描及解码.该项目可实现的条形码编码和解码. 眼下支持下面格式: zxing官网说明: 源代码下载: 我下载的是releases版本号:https:…
今天上午着手将一个unity3d开发的小游戏build到android手机上运行,结果遇到了不少问题. 首先遇到的第一个问题是在build到一半的时候,弹出如下报错: Error building Player: UnityException: No platforms found Android SDK does not include any platforms! Did you run Android SDK setup to install the platform(s)? Minimu…
November 19th, 2017 Android Weekly Issue #284 本期内容丰富.有趣的有如何搭建真机测试平台,Proguard里面各类keep的区别,如何运行时获得泛型类型,Android的Internal Storage到底是什么,以及Android Things的一篇文章. 代码部分有介绍了一个twiiter的序列化库,还有个比较炫酷的圆形Menu可以应用到自己项目中去. ARTICLES & TUTORIALS The art of staging a rollo…
Building Your First App Creating an Android Project 介绍如何Android开发环境,具体是:怎么使用Eclipse工具 Create a Project with Eclipse Create a Project with Command Line Tools Running Your Application 介绍Android应用程序的运行和模拟器 Run on a Real Device Run on the Emulator Buildi…
In March, 2013 we released the first version of the “nginx web server” plug‑in for New Relic monitoring of the open source NGINX software and NGINX Plus. Since then, we’ve received lots of interest from users – we greatly appreciate it! The plug‑in c…
Unity打包出错解决方案 本文提供全流程,中文翻译. Chinar 坚持将简单的生活方式,带给世人!(拥有更好的阅读体验 -- 高分辨率用户请根据需求调整网页缩放比例) Chinar -- 心分享.心创新!助力快速解决 Unity 打包中常见错误给新手节省宝贵的时间,避免采坑! 1 Change Name -- 未设置修改包名 / 公司名 / 项目名 2 SDK Tools -- Unity版本低,需要安卓工具版本也低些 3 AR Vuforia Android TV -- Vuforia A…
Learn Android Studio 汉化教程 By now you are familiar with the basics of creating a new project, programming, and refactoring.It is time to create an Android application, otherwise known as an app. This chapter introduces the first of four lab projects.…
RubertdeMacBook-Pro:~ Rubert$ ionic build android Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project. RubertdeMacBook-Pro:~ Rubert$ cd myApp/ RubertdeMacBook-Pro:myApp Rubert$ ionic build android Running command: /Users/Rubert/myApp/hooks/after…
244.http请求的url含有中字符时.须要Uri编码.Uri.encoder() 245.使用androidstudio时,不知道什么原因svn不见了 Android Studio missing Subversion plugin Please make sure that the "SubversionIntegration" plugin is enabled in Preferences > Plugins 246.Error:Execution failed for…