What a Unicode string ? The binaries in RAM have the final word. NOT string literals in Text Editor(VS, Emacs), but the executable binary(in .str section) or binary data file(like cookie cache file in some sort of encoding) and loaded into variables…
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html by Joel Spolsky Wednesday, October 08, 2003 Ever wonder about that myste…
Which SQL statement is the trump card to the senior software developer                    MA Genfeng         (Guangdong Unitoll Services incorporated, Guangzhou 510300) Abstract     Within so many kinds of DML statements in SQL, I think four kinds of…
微软近期Open的职位: Contact Person: Winnie Wei (wiwe@microsoft.com ) Work Location: Suzhou/Beijing News is one of most critical areas for integration of mobile and services, one of the top priorities in Microsoft. Microsoft is innovating rapidly to grow its…
Being a good developer is like being any other good professional, it’s all it’s about doing as much quality work as possible. There is a popular sentence that summarises it: “Do it. Do it right. Do it right now”. 1.- Have your own to do list for the…
shell和vim中乱码原因及消除办法 作者:Jack47 在Linux下开发,经常遇到乱码问题:shell或者vim中显示不了中文,或者能够显示,但不能输入中文.每次都是上网去搜,或者同事告诉我一些命令来解决的.一直没有理解为什么会出乱码,本文就是想认真分析乱码问题的原因并找到解决之道.希望本文能够解决像我这样的菜鸟在Linux下shell和vim中遇到的乱码问题.读者们如果读完这篇文章后还是一头雾水,也不要着急[文章角度不同,不同的人的理解程度也不同],可以多看看类似的文章[文末的参考资料]…
1.在notepad里,(中文系统下) 按住Alt 然后按52946最后放开Alt 按住Alt 然后按45230最后放开Alt 按住Alt 然后按50403最后放开Alt 你会看到"我爱你"三个字. 2.原理:Alt+[Unicode编码]对应的十进制数字即可打出该[Unicode编码] 比如52946是"我"在Unicode下的十进制编码,45230是"爱"在Unicode下的十进制编码,50403是"你"在Unicode下…
from:http://www.cnblogs.com/chenwenbiao/archive/2011/08/11/2134503.html UTF-8是Unicode的一种实现方式,也就是它的字节结构有特殊要求,所以我们说一个汉字的范围是0X4E00到0x9FA5,是指unicode值,至于放在utf-8的编码里去就是由三个字节来组织,所以可以看出unicode是给出一个字符的范围,定义了这个字是码值是多少,至于具体的实现方式可以有多种多样来实现. UTF-8是一种变长字节编码方式.对于某一…
关于Unicode,字符集,字符编码,每个程序员都应该知道的事 作者:Jack47 李笑来的文章如何判断一个人是否聪明?中提到: 必要.清晰.且准确的概念,是一切思考的基石.所谓思考,很大程度上,就是在建立那些概念与概念之间的关联.概念是必要.清晰.且准确的,它们之间的关联也应该是准确的. 确实很认同这两句话,搞清楚字符集,字符编码,Unicode等关键词的意义,基本上也就能搞明白遇到的编码问题了.本文力求通俗易懂,但涉及的内容比较多,而且编码问题又不是那么容易理解的,所以如果大家看完之后还是对…