Introduction to Big Real Mode】的更多相关文章

项目组用到了 Node.js,发现下面这篇文章不错.转发一下.原文地址:<原文>. ------------------------------------------- A chatroom for all! Part 1 - Introduction to Node.js Rami Sayar 4 Sep 2014 11:00 AM 7 This node.js tutorial series will help you build a node.js powered real-time…
Source: Connected Brain Figure above: Bullmore E, Sporns O. Complex brain networks: graph theoretical analysis of structural and functional systems.[J]. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2009, 10(3):186-198. Graph measures A graph G consisting of a set of…
INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS      这套教程源自Youtube,算得上比较完整的生物信息学领域的视频教程,授课内容完整清晰,专题化的讲座形式,细节讲解比国内的京师大学堂的Mooc教程好过10000倍.下面是视频的快速链接还有文档讲义哦,很好的东东,链接分享给国内的朋友们. =课程主页:,    Instructor: Tolga CAN    Added: 18 Novem…
索引为mongoDB的查询提供了有效的解决方案,如果没有索引,mongodb必须的扫描文档集中所有记录来match查询条件的记录.然而这些扫描是没有必要,而且每一次操作mongod进程会处理大量的数据. 索引是一种存储文档集中一部分数据集的特殊的数据结构,以便更容易的去遍历.索引存储了一个通过value排序具体字段或者字段集. mongodb的索引和其他数据库系统的索引基本上相同.mongodb的索引在文档集collection层面上,并且支持文档集的任何字段或复合字段上面建索引. 一个合适的索…
今天开始会和大熊君{{bb}}一起着手翻译node的系列外文书籍,大熊负责翻译<Node.js IN ACTION>一书,而我暂时负责翻译这本<Hands-on Node.js>(下载),为方便理解不采用直译的方式,若有翻译不当的地方还请不吝赐教,我会及时堪正. 引言 在09年欧洲JSConf大会上,一位叫做Ryan Dahl的年轻程序员介绍了一项他所负责的项目.该项目结合了谷歌V8 Javascript引擎以及event loop机制,从而可以使用JS来创建服务端平台.该项目跟其…
Introduction of OpenCascade Foundation Classes Open CASCADE基础类简介 一.简介 1. 基础类概述 Foundation Classes Overview 本文将对Open CASCADE中的基础类进行介绍及如何使用基础类.更多信息可访问其官网 基础类库提供了一些通用功能,如自动动态内存管理.集合.异常处理.泛型编程和plug-in的…
Introduction to ASP.NET Core core 介绍 270 of 282 people found this helpful By Daniel Roth, Rick Anderson and Shaun Luttin Meng.Net 自译 ASP.NET Core is a significant redesign of ASP.NET. This topic introduces the new concepts in ASP.NET Core and…
Microsoft Dynamics 365 will be released on November 1. In preparation for that, Scott Guthrie hosted a virtual event that provided partners and customers with a first look at our new cloud service with purpose-built apps that address specific busines… RabbitMQ消息队列(一): Detailed Introduction 详细介绍 标签: 消息队列Message QueueRabbitMQ模块间通信系统内部通信 2014-02-20 20:13 79011人阅读 评论(11) 收藏 举报  分类: 架构探索(36)  版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载.   目录(?)[+]   1. 历史 RabbitMQ是…
30.1 Introduction In addition to protocols that provide network level services and application programs that use those services, an internet needs software that allows managers to debug problems, control routing, and find computers that violate proto…
A Quick Introduction to Linux Policy Routing 29 May 2013 In this post, I’m going to introduce you to policy routing as implemented in recent versions of Ubuntu Linux (and possibly other Linux distributions as well, but I’ll be using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)…
1 清晰的思路 论文投稿完毕,彻底完事儿后,原本很反感的论文书写过程也有了些许心得:论文就是科研工作的文字总结,知识再提炼的过程. 想要写好Introduction,脑子里的一条主线必须清楚. 1.1 提出具体领域的一个Issue 首先给出一些领域的基本Common Sense,然后提出领域内的一个Issue. 1.2 提出本文的问题Problem 说明本文要干什么,是优化?是求解?是证明? 给出一个具体的Problem后,最后抽象出具体的数学模型.这就像给自己出了一道数学题(简化不必要的因素)…
The links to download the material for the course Introduction To Calculus are provided in the following (Please do not use it for commercial reason): Syllabus Review of High School Mathematics Textbook for Calculus Exercises 1-8…
中文原文链接: 英文原文链接: An Introduction to Feature Selection 下面的中文译文侧重从原理上进行解释,但是在实际的应用中往往侧重的是实现过程, 可以看考这个链接,描述的比较详细,需要细细的学习: [中文原文] 你需要哪些特征来构建一个预测模型? 这是一个困难的…
About Contact Subscribe   Back-propagation, an introduction Sanjeev Arora and Tengyu Ma  •  Dec 20, 2016  •  20 minute read Given the sheer number of backpropagation tutorials on the internet, is there really need for another? One of us (Sanjeev) rec…
The author has a course on web: It has more reading assignments and sliders which are good for you to understand ddg. ------------------------------------------------------------- DISCRETE DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY :…
-------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Introduction to Discrete Differential Geometry: The Geometry of Plane Curves . A better approximation than the tangent is the circle of curvature. . If the curve is sufficientl…
w3c reference : HTML user agents (e.g. Web browsers) then parse this markup, turning it into a DOM (Document Object Model) tree. A DOM tree is an in…
Introduction To Database Refactoring 原文链接:by Scott W. Ambler: Published: July 1, 2006 Published in July 2006 Material for this article was modified from Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Desi…
今天读了几篇分布式相关的内容,记录一下.非经典论文,非系统化阅读,非严谨思考和总结.主要的着眼点在于分布式存储:好处是,跨越单台物理机器的计算和存储能力的限制,防止单点故障(single point of failure):常见方法是,做数据分区(data partition / sharding)以横向扩展,做数据复制(data replication)增加冗余度:难点是,如何在数据一致性(consistency).系统可用性(availability).分区容忍度(partition tol…
Lecture 3(part 1) Divide and conquer 1. the general paradim of algrithm as bellow: 1. divide the problem into subproblems; 2. conqure each subproblems recrusively; 3. combine solution 2. Some typical problem (part 1) the matrix mutiplication(strassen…
Open CASCADE Foundation Classes Open CASCADE基础类 一.简介 1. 基础类概述 Foundation Classes Overview 本文将对Open CASCADE中的基础类进行介绍及如何使用基础类.更多信息可访问其官网 基础类库提供了一些通用功能,如自动动态内存管理.集合.异常处理.泛型编程和plug-in的创建.基础类库包含如下内容: l…
OpenCascade Application Framework Introduction 本教程介绍了Open CASCADE程序框架(Application Framework)的使用方法.OCAF(the Open CASCADE Application Framework)是一个快速开发程序的框架(Rapid Application Development framework).OCAF提供的功能有: u 即时可用的通用CAD/CAM程序的数据: u 为实现…
Tcl Tk Introduction 摘要Abstract:Tcl/Tck脚本可以很容易实现用户自定义的命令,方便的创建图形化的用户界面GUI,所以Tcl和Tk的应用领域几乎覆盖了图形和工程应用的全部范围,包括计算机辅助设计.软件开发.测试.仪器控制.科学可视化及多媒体方面.即可以使用Tcl/Tk实现AVEVA中的PML类似的功能,允许用户自己编写简单程序实现程序的二次开发. 关键字Key Words:AVEVA, PDMS, PML, Tcl/Tk, Script… MySQL 5 introduced a plethora of new features - stored procedures being one of the most significant. In this tutorial, we will focus on what they are, and h…
Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 高雪松 @雪松Cedro Microsoft MVP 目 录 1    Introduction    1 1.1    What is Machine Learning    1 1.2    学习心得和笔记的框架    1 2    Supervised Learning    3 2.1    Perceptron Learning Algorithm (PLA)    3 2.1.1    PLA -- "知…
Introduction to GraphQL  GraphQL介绍 Learn about GraphQL, how it works, and how to use it in this series of articles. Looking for documentation on how to build a GraphQL service? There are libraries to help you implement GraphQL in many different langu…
“矩阵代数初步”(Introduction to MATRIX ALGEBRA)课程由Prof. A.K.Kaw(University of South Florida)设计并讲授. PDF格式学习笔记下载( 第1章课程讲义下载(PDF) Summary Matrix A matrix is a rectangular array of elements. Matrix $A$ is denoted by $$A = \begin{bmatrix}a_{11} & \c…
翻译自用,还有很多谬误之处,敬请甄别,转载请注明出处 Introduction to replication (replication介绍)   Replication is one of the most important concepts in Unreal Engine games as it is the basis for keeping game clients synchronized with the game server in network games. Replicat…
Effective C++ 导读 (Introduction) 术语(terminology) 声明式 (declaration) 是告诉编译器某个东西的名称和类型(type),但略去细节.以下都是声明式: extern int x; //对象(object)声明式 std::size_t numDigits(int number); //函数(function)声明式 class Weight; //类(class)声明式 template<typename T> //模板(template…