A Windows Azure project includes two configuration files: ServiceDefinition.csdef and ServiceConfiguration.cscfg. These files are packaged with your Windows Azure application and deployed to Windows Azure. The ServiceDefinition.csdef file contains th…
Mike Neil,微软公司企业云副总裁 怀着对于提高业务灵活性.加速创新的期待,很多企业正在向云平台迅速迁移.伴随着这样的趋势,我们也见证了微软智能云Azure业务在全球市场的快速增长--每个月近100,000的新增用户.而另一方面,我们也洞察到,依然还有相当一部分企业对于"全面迁移到公有云"或多或少地存在着些疑虑,包括在数据主权或数据监管方面的担忧,这也让他们置身于一个尴尬的处境--一只脚希望迈入公有云,而另一只脚还停留在本地数据中心,不能自拔. 微软认为,想要更好地解决这样的困境…
Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post from Mustafa Mahmutović, a Microsoft Student Partner who attends the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Sarajevo where he is a Computer Science Major. In this tutorial, you will learn h…
Microsoft Azure - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Azure Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure) /ˈæʒər/ is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services thro…