NFC是Near Field Communication缩写,又称近距离无线通信,是一种短距离的高频无线通信技术,允许电子设备之间进行非接触式点对点数据传输(在十厘米内)交换数据.这个技术由免接触式射频识别(RFID)演变而来,并向下兼容RFID,最早由Sony和Philips各自开发成功,主要用于手机等手持设备中提供M2M(Machine to Machine)的通信.由于近场通讯具有天然的安全性,因此,NFC技术被认为在手机支付等领域具有很大的应用前景.由飞利浦公司和索尼公司共同开发的NFC…
0 Near Field Communication Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of short-range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to initiate a connection. NFC allows you to share small payloads of data between an NFC tag a…
NFC for Business What is the NFC Forum? The NFC Forum is a not-for-profit industry organization whose mission is to advance the use of Near Field Communication technology by developing specifications, ensuring interoperability among devices and servi…