w作用域控制变量的可见范围. JavaScript: The Good Parts Instead of initializing myObject with an object literal, we will initialize myObject by calling a function that returns an object literal. That function defines a value variable. That variable is always avail…
网上有一道美团外卖的面试题是这样的: Function.prototype.a = 'a'; Object.prototype.b = 'b'; function Person(){}; var p = new Person(); console.log('p.a: '+ p.a); // p.a: undefined console.log('p.b: '+ p.b); // p.b: b 问为什么? 有不少同学第一眼看上去就觉得很疑惑,p不是应该继承了Function原型里面的属性吗,为什么…
I am writing a python script from which I hope to call the Matlab anovan function. I have attempted a basic test of this feature on file test.txt. This file is imported as array data. In matlab, the anovan function would be called as follows: anovan(…
在vug下执行时,脚本无异常,但是在controller下执行时报下面错误,网上查了下,解决方法千奇百怪,但无一可行. 分析了下错误,似乎是初始化进程有关.想到rts中的设置习惯时以线程方式执行. 遂调整成进程方式执行,问题解决.…
ID_NULL built in function is used to determine that an object type variable is null or not null in Oracle Forms and returns a BOOLEAN value that indicates whether the object ID is available or not means it is null or not null. Below is the Syntax of…
在路由的文件下加入导出语句 module.exports = router   导入与导出需要一一对应  …
Why, every fault’s condemn’d ere it be done:Mine were the very cipher of a function. . .—William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure The best thing about JavaScript is its implementation of functions. It got almost everything right. But, as you should e…
原文链接:http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/24-javascript-best-practices-for-beginners--net-5399 jquery代码优化见   writing better jquery code another good writing :24 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners Twice a month, we revisit some of our readers’ favo…
Divides one thing entire to many objects;Like perspectives, which rightly gazed uponShow nothing but confusion. . .—William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of King Richard the Second Inheritance is an important topic in most programming languages. In the cl…
前言 之前一直在使用react做开发,但是对其内部的工作机制却一点儿都不了解,说白了就是一直在套api,毫无成就感.趁最近比较闲,对源码做了一番研究,并通过博客的方式做一些记录. 进入正题 通过编写自定义组件来实现代码复用是react一个很亮眼的创新点,我们知道react创建组件有两种方式: 通过React.createClass API 运用es6语法 class xx extends React.Component 虽然后者正在逐渐取代前者,但是去研究一下前者也是很有必要的.我们先来看一看…