jQuery knowledge】的更多相关文章

I have used jquery for many years, but didn't list the problem I ever meeting, so here is a list of the issues which I have meet in jQuery. 1. The remove method return the deleted jQuery object.But the calling on this object like prev.next.parent wil…
reference from:http://dizyne.net/20-best-drag-drop-jquery-plugins/ jQuery has done a great job replacing Flash on websites allowing them to perform faster and better. Moreover, it pretty much offers the same functionality as Flash did. jQuery is incr…
jQuery datatables 属性,用例 参考:http://datatables.club/example/ http://blog.csdn.net/mickey_miki/article/details/8240477 http://www.cnblogs.com/pinnasky/archive/2012/08/10/2631917.html html: <!-- 此例子是结合bootstrap的Datatables,暂且定位为最基本的例子吧 --> <!-- 引入必须的c…
Extend from $.fn.panel.defaults. Override defaults with $.fn.datagrid.defaults. The datagrid displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to select, sort, group and edit data. The datagrid has been designed to reduce development time and…
刚开始使用jQuery Mobile,发现很多问题需要重新考虑,比如脚本加载问题. 在普通html中,如果a.html中有链接到b.html,b.html中有类似代码: $(document).ready(function() { alert("hello"); }); 则这段代码可以被正常执行. 而在jQuery Mobile中,这样做就行不通了,在浏览器中直接刷新b.html,则代码可以正常执行,而从a.html跳转到b.html时则不会被执行!为什么? 参见: http://ww…
点这里 We have collected for you the 15 fresh, free and handy jQuery plugins that will help to speed up the design of your projects and make it more user friendly. jQuery plugins are constantly being released, and it’s no surprise since they are insanel…
Frontend Knowledge Structure 项目起源 还记得@jayli 的这幅前端知识结构图么. 图片的形式具有诸多的不便.缺失源图的我们,无法为此图贡献些什么,随着时间的迁移,或许有些技术点会发生改变,所以有了这个GitHub项目.我们可以通过协作的方式来共同维护这个项目.Git的历史记录也可以见证前端行业的一些变迁. 尽管会变成文字的方式来维护这些内容,但是我承诺写一个小工具帮大家生成更好玩的图形(基于DataV项目). 前端开发知识结构 前端工程师 浏览器 IE6/7/8/…
With the resurgence of interest in dynamic HTML comes a proliferation of JavaScript frameworks. Some are specialized, focusing on just one or two of the above tasks. Others attempt to catalog every possible behavior and animation, and serve these all…
  内容 参数   OS   Windows 10 x64   browser   Firefox 65.0.2   framework     Bootstrap 3.3.7   editor   Visual Studio Code 1.32.1     typesetting   Markdown   1 https://v3.bootcss.com   2   3 - 点击下载bootstrap后   4 - 压缩包内目录结构   5   6   7   OK - 效果展示 code <…
https://github.com/JacksonTian/fks http://code.csdn.net/news/2819224 本文为大家整理了一系列关于JavaScript的常用工具,包括常用工具.前端和后端工具,从测试到构建,内容丰富,值得收藏.下面是根据推荐工具整理的思维导图. 点此看大图 常规工具 脚手架工具 Yeoman:它旨在为开发者提供一系列健壮的工具.程序库和工作流,帮助开发者快速构建漂亮的Web应用. 构建工具(自动) Grunt.js:生态强大,发展速度快,有大量可…