FASTQ format】的更多相关文章

FASTQ format 每个FASTQ文件中每个序列通常有四行信息: 1: 以 '@' 字符开头,后面紧接着的是序列标识符和可选字段的描述(类似FASTA title line). 2: 序列 3: 以 '+' 字符开头, 后面紧接着的是可选字段的描述性信息 4: 第二行序列的质量信息 Illumina sequence identifiers @HWUSI-EAS100R:6:73:941:1973#0/1 sequence identifiers description HWUSI-EAS… # S - Sanger Phred+33, raw reads typically (0, 40) # X - Solexa Solexa+64, raw reads typically (-5, 40) # I - Illumina 1.3+ Phred+64, raw reads typically (0, 4… table of contents expected learning outcomes getting started exercise 1: checking Illumina data with the FASTX-Toolkit exercise 2: checking 454 data with the FASTX-Too…
链接:Canu Tutorial Canu assembles reads from PacBio RS II or Oxford Nanopore MinION instruments into uniquely-assemblable contigs, unitigs. Canu owes lots of it design and code to celera-assembler. Canu can be run using hardware of nearly any shape or… equencing technologies, such as Illumina sequencing, provide the sequences ofshort "reads" of DNA that come from random positions on the genome. These readsthen must be assembled de-novo into the origi…
改编: python ~/tools2assemble/ SHT-3K-1_1.fq.gz SHT-3K-1_2.fq.gz 好像不支持gz文件,要先解压 下载: 如果下载下来文件名是download 改一下名字 这是个tar.gz文… Quick question is: I have some mapped reads in bam file which have good read quality, but they have sam flag 0x200 which means they didn't pass the vendor check. Should I include them or not in downstream analysis?…
本文近期更新地址: 随着測序技术的不断提高.二代測序数据成指数增长. NCBI提供了SRA数据库存储这些数据. 为了方便更好的分析这些数据,NCBI提供了下载的命令行工具:sra-toolkit. 包含下面命令: 官方文档:…
测序数据中经常会接触到fastq格式的文件,比如说拿到fastq格式的原始数据后希望查看测序碱基的质量并去除低质量碱基.一般而言大家都是用现有的工具,比如说fastqc这个Java写的小程序,确实很好用,运行速度快,检查的项目也多.有时候我们也需要对这些数据进行个性化的分析,那么这个时候这些小工具就不能胜任了,需要我们自己写程序(脚本)来处理.本人目前才疏学浅,因此只有一下三种方案: 1.完全自己写脚本,读取每一行,手动解析,然后实现个性化分析.(显然这个比较慢,相当于重造了一个转速很慢的轮子)…
1)知识简介--------------------------------------------------------1.1)测序质量值 首先在了解fastq,fasta之前,了解一下什么是质量值.phred软件在对reads进行base calling的时候会给出每一个碱基的质量值,这个质量值的计算与测序预期错误率相关(estimated probability of error): Phred Quality Score     Probability of incorrect bas…