1089. Insert or Merge (25)】的更多相关文章

PAT甲级:1089 Insert or Merge (25分) 题干 According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the input data, finds the loca…
According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the input data, finds the location it belongs within the sorted li…
题目如下: According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the input data, finds the location it belongs within the sor…
判断插入排序很好判断,不是的话那就是归并排序了. 由于归并排序区间是2.4.8开始递增的,所以要判断给出的归并排序执行到哪一步,就要k从2开始枚举. 然后再对每个子区间进行一下sort即可. #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> using namespace std; ; int num1[m…
简单题.模拟一下即可. #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<queue> #include<stack> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; ; int a[maxn],b[maxn],n; int main() { sc…
According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the input data, finds the location it belongs within the sorted li…
题意: 输入一个正整数N(<=100),接着输入两行N个整数,第一行表示初始序列,第二行表示经过一定程度的排序后的序列.输出这个序列是由插入排序或者归并排序得到的,并且下一行输出经过再一次排序操作所得到的序列.数据保证了不会有两种排序方式都可以得到的序列. AAAAAccepted code: #define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ]; ]; int main(){ ios::s…
题目 According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the input data, finds the location it belongs within the sorted…
According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion sort removes one element from the input data, finds the location it belongs within the sorted li…
1089. Insert or Merge (25) 时间限制 200 ms 内存限制 65536 kB 代码长度限制 16000 B 判题程序 Standard 作者 CHEN, Yue According to Wikipedia: Insertion sort iterates, consuming one input element each repetition, and growing a sorted output list. Each iteration, insertion s…