C++ Knowledge series 4】的更多相关文章

JVM & Bytecode Has-a or Is-a relationship(inheritance or composition) 如果想利用新类内部一个现有类的特性,而不想使用它的接口,通常应选择合成.也就是说,我们可嵌入一个对象,使自己能用它实现新类的特性.但新类的用户会看到我们已定义的接口,而不是来自嵌入对象的接口.考虑到这种效果,我们需在新类里嵌入现有类的private对象.有些时候,我们想让类用户直接访问新类的合成.也就是说,需要将成员对象的属性变为public.成员对象会将自…
Programming language evolves always along with Compiler's evolvement. 1. The C++ Object Model: Stroustrup's original (and still prevailing) C++ Object Model is derived from the simple object model by optimizing for space and access time. Non-static d…
Function Function is composed of name, parameter (operand, type of operand), return value, body with another adornment like: inline, virtual, static, const, throw(). 我们必须在调用函数之前,就声明该函数否则会引起编译错误. 函数声明由函数返回类型,函数名和参数表构成. 这三个元素被称为函数声明function declaration…
Inheritance The pointer or reference to base class can address/be assigned with any of the classes derived from base class with virtual functions through mechanism of dynamic binding. There are three ways to support polymorphism: through implicit con…
Everything has its lifecycle, from being created to disappearing. Pass by reference instead of pass by value 尽量用“传引用”pass reference 而不用“传值” pass value c语言中,什么都是通过传值来实现的,c++继承了这一传统并将它作为默认方式.除非明确指定,函数的形参parameter总是通过“实参argument的拷贝”来初始化的,函数的调用者得到的也是函数返回…
Thank to the pepole who devote theirself to the common libs. STL(http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/) 旧的C++头文件名如<iostream.h>将会继续被支持,尽管它们不在官方标准official standard中.这些头文件的内容不在名字空间std中.No _STDBEGIN (namespaces std {}and _STDEND. 新的C++头文件如<iostream>…
Pepole who make a greate contribution on common libaraies deserve our respect. Component(Widget) / STL / Container(Collection) 合成不会强迫我们的程序设计进入继承的分级结构中has-a relationship.同时,合成显得更加灵活,因为可以动态选择一种类型(以及行为),而继承要求在编译期间准确地知道一种类型. Java的工具(实用程序)库提供了一些“集合类”(亦称作“…
Programming language evolves always along with Compiler's evolvement The semantics of constructors One of the most often heard complaints about C++ is that the compiler does things behind the programmer’s back. We shall know how underlying compiler d…
Interface from user, not from implementor.(DIP) Interface-Oriented Programming. Interface or Abstract function or Abstract class Java专门提供了一种机制,名为“抽象方法”(same as abstraction).它属于一种不完整的方法,只含有一个声明declaration,没有方法主体 body of definition.下面是抽象方法声明时采用的语法:abst…
JVM & Bytecode Abstract & Object Object in Java (1) 所有东西都是对象object.可将对象想象成一种新型变量:它保存着数据,但可要求它对自身进行操作self-operation(this pointer is always as parameter pssing to function called on object).理论上讲,可从要解决的问题身上提出所有概念性的组件,然后在程序中将其表达为一个对象. (2) 程序是一大堆对象的组合c…
JVM Analysis & Design The object-oriented paradigm is a new and different way of thingking about programming. Most of the analysis and design methodologies are intended to sovle the largest of problems. Remember that most projects don’t fit intot hat…
Programming has its own methodology. Layering is everywhere in real life,this why the pruchase and sale exist. Layering, Insert additional indirection 通过分层layering/add indirection来体现 "有一个" 或 "用...来实现’ composition /composite 使某个类的对象成为另一个类的数据…
What does the compiler behind our programming? Overloading in C++ Override all of overloaded functions defined in base class. The following rules from Bjarne Stroustrup: Begin: Allowing overloading based on const was part of a general tightening up o…
Programming language evolves always along with Compiler's evolvement On the Cusp of the Object Model Templates Template are now the foundation for generic programming ( the Standard Template Library). Template are used in memory allocation strategies…
Programming language evolves always along with Compiler's evolvement The Semantics of Function C++ supports three flavors of member functions: static, nonstatic, and virtual. Each is invoked differently; those differences are the topic of the next se…
Programming language evolves always along with Compiler's evolvement JVM as Additional Indirection Introduction to Object Everthing is an object. Think of an object as a fancy variable; it stores data, but you can “make requests” to that object, aski…
Programming language evolves always along with Compiler's evolvement The Semantics of Data The size of an empty base class or an empty derived class inherited from an empty base class is not 0. For some reason: virtual pointer to virtual function tab…
Extracting knowledge from knowledge graphs using Facebook Pytorch BigGraph 2019-04-27 09:33:58 This blog is copied from: https://towardsdatascience.com/extracting-knowledge-from-knowledge-graphs-e5521e4861a0 Machine learning gives us the ability to t…
How to transform the day time images to night time ?  A series of paper review and some thinkings about this point.  Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches  2017-07-20   14:34:27  无监督的进行基于关键局部 patch 的图像生成,这个算是和 “传统”的 GAN 稍微不同的地…
Problem: time series clustering TSC - unsupervised learning/ category information is not available. time-series clustering for anomaly detection/ pattern detection. Feature-based time series clustering methods typically rely on domain knowledge to ma…
Problem: time series prediction The nonlinear autoregressive exogenous model: The Nonlinear autoregressive exogenous (NARX) model, which predicts the current value of a time series based upon its previous values as well as the current and past values…
from: Dacheng Tao 悉尼大学 PROBLEM: time series retrieval: given the current multivariate time series segment, how to obtain its relevant time series segments in the historical data. Two challenging: 1. it requires a compact representation of the raw tim…
Problem: the important frequency information is lack of effective modelling. ?? what is frequency information in time series? and why other models don't model this kind of frequency information? frequency learning we propose two deep learning models:…
From: Stanford University; Jure Leskovec, citation 6w+; Problem: subsequence clustering. Challenging: discover patterns is challenging because it requires simultaneous segmentation and clustering of the time series + interpreting the cluster results…
PROBLEM: OmniAnomaly multivariate time series anomaly detection + unsupervised 主体思想: input: multivariate time series to RNN ------> capture the normal patterns -----> reconstruct input data by the representations ------> use the reconstruction pr…
Problem: multi-horizon probabilistic forecasting tasks; Propose an end-to-end framework for multi-horizon time series forecasting, with temporal attention mechanisms to capture latent patterns. Introduction: forecasting ----- understanding demands. t…
KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) Insititute: 复旦大学,中科大 Problem: time series prediction; modelling extreme events; overlook the existence of extreme events, which result in weak performance when applying them to real time series. 为什么研究ext…
However: The conventional visual mapping maps each data attribute onto a single visual channel Purpose: investigate composite visual mapping综合可视映射: mapping single data attributes onto several visual channels. a valuable tool for understanding those r…
Purpose detect the dynamics in time series of their correlation Methodology 1. calculate correlation coefficients 2. Network construction: i. node: AAB, ABC, etc. totally 5^3=125个nodes. 但是不是所有的mode情况都会出现,于是the number of nodes 是个随机数, 并且满足<125. ii. edg…
Improvement can be done in fulture:1. the algorithm of constructing network from distance matrix. 2. evolution of sliding time window3. the later processing or visual analysis of generated graphs. Thinking: 1.What's the ground truth in load profiles?…